141. Why am I Holding On?: 5 Truths About Letting Go and Seeing the Good
JUL 26, 2023
Description Community

There is so much goodness in store for us. But we often waste time and energy worrying, ruminating, and second-guessing ourselves. In this mini-episode of Spiritually Hungry, we discuss how to surrender to the process and trust in the Creator so we are free to spend our energy pursuing passions and living in the moment.

“Holding onto things, like anger or resentment, actually stops the Light of the Creator with its positive intentions from entering into the situation. Not letting go, not training ourselves persistently to actively let go, actually precludes many positive benefits and blessings from entering into our life.” – Michael Berg

Further Readings:

The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It

by John Tierney & Roy F. Baumeister

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