102: A Fish in Search of Water
SEP 17, 2023
Description Community
Hello My Friends!

This week I would like to discuss some of Plato's ideas. Plato being a philosopher of Greek's Hellenistic Period. Why do we do what we do? What makes something Right and Good? Behind the subjectivity of opinion, is there away to benefit the most? How would you redesign a country to perpetuate the most "Good'? This and much, much more on "The Ginger Bread Man"!

You can email me at thegingerbreadmansdialogues@gmail.com 

I will be forever grateful for your attention and ears! Have a Great Week!

Again I apologize for the sound quality, I cannot locate the weird buzz throughout the last few episodes and I cannot currently afford new equipment. I will fix it Though! Meanwhile I am still going to try to keep creating material!

Photo Credit: fish zhengtao tang on Unsplash, ginger bread man  Filip Mishevski on Unsplash