70 Weeks and Logical Conclusions - Part 1
FEB 12, 2023
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Historicism is a method of interpreting past and current events in relation to biblical prophecy, which confirms the accuracy and credibility of divine scripture and demonstrates that God determines and controls the affairs of men and nations. This approach is rooted in two verses from the book of Isaiah 46:9-10, which state that God's plans will stand and that he has declared the end from the beginning. In this discussion, Robert Caringola and Pastor Jennings delve into the prophetic perspective of Historicism and its details. They stress the importance of the truth of scripture and the power of the Word of God to establish and strengthen us.

At present, the study of Bible prophecy is at a crossroads and the speaker has been deeply considering this topic for months. The speaker highlights the book, 70 Weeks, as being a critical source for understanding the prophecy of the 70 weeks. This speaker believes that this topic has the potential to be a game changer. The discussion also covers the possibility of Christ leaving his throne, working through his people, and the rapture into heaven, as well as the teachings of the English Reformation. The speaker warns against ignoring the study of Bible prophecy, as it is a crucial aspect of understanding the truth. In conclusion, the speaker encourages everyone to take this topic seriously and to follow along with a copy of the book, 70 Weeks, as a reference guide.