The Adoption Of Sons
OCT 09, 2022
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I want to try to give a solid biblical definition of adoption. In order to understand the doctrine of adoption, we must go back to the Old Testament verse to what is under Tutors and Governors until the time appointed of the father. Even so, we would. be children were in bondage under the elements of the world. But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth, his son, made of a woman, made under the law.

In Genesis, God tells Abraham that He was going to have a son and that boy turned out to be Isaac. And then Isaac and Rebecca had twins, Esau and Jacob, and the prophecy given to Rebecca is that the elder shall serve the younger. These sons can be adopted, and because they are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His son into your hearts. Jacob had 12 sons and it was preordained that he would be the leader and rule over his older brother Esau. In Genesis 35 Jacob has a change of name and Benjamin is born after Israel's name.

Reuben, by right being the elder of the 12 sons, should have received the birthright. But this is what it says, that Rachel had died and she was the favorite wife. Jacob said to Reuben, You're not going to excel in this birthright. I'm going to give it to somebody else. Reuben's birthright, the way I see it, was divided among four other sons.

His might would go to Joseph, his dignity to Levi, and his power to Judah. Genesis 48 is one of the most important books in the New Testament. In it, Jacob establishes his authority to do what he is getting ready to do. God Almighty appeared unto me at laws in the land of Canaan and blessed me and said unto me, I will make the fruitful and multiply thee, and I'll make of a multitude of people. The key word or the key thought is affection.

He elevated them from grandson to son. These are my sons now, just as much as Reuben and Simeon and thy issue which thou beget is after them. In verse seven is the key word is favorite wife, favorite wife or beloved wife? Because Jacob loved Rachael more than he loved Leah? What's wrong with that?

This is Jacob's Cross that's been part of the British Union Jack for a long, long time. In verse 15 and 16, we read this and he blessed Joseph and said, God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk. And then in verse 16, this is what he said, the angel which redeemed me from all evil. God appeared under Jacob again when he came out of pay Dan Abram and blessed him. The angel of the Lord said to Joseph and Ephraim, let my name be named on them.

Let these two boys be known as the children of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. And let them grow a declaration or decree of increase of children. In chapter 20 of the Bible, verse 21, Israel says, Behold, I die, but God shall be with you and bring you again into the land of your fathers. And in verse 22, he's giving Joseph's a blessing. Joseph is a fruitful bough.

What is a bough about? It's a branch of a tree. Joseph and his two sons became the greatest, strongest tribes in northern Israel. They became known as the Northern House, the house of Israel, the House of Joseph. Ephraim was the leadership tribe of the Northern Kingdom.

He had been adopted an elevated to Sonship so that the Lord can say he was my firstborn. In Romans, Paul says he could wish that himself were a curse from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen, according to the flesh. He's talking about the house of Israel, the literal physical people, who are Israelites to whom pertain to the adoption. Jesus Christ paid the price for for adoption of Israel back unto himself. That's why we're Christians.