Calvary Chapel Anne Arundel - Sunday Services

Pastor Ray Bollas


Bible teaching, chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse, through the whole Bible with Pastor Ray Bollas.

Recorded live from Calvary Chapel of Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

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999 episodes

Revelation 5 and Ruth 4

Summary: We all have experienced the empty promises of the world and others. God gives us a beautiful “Empty Promise”, and that is an empty cross and an empty grave, with the Promise to us….. Paid in Ful! We all have a debt we owe for our sin, and it is a debt we cannot pay…. But God paid off our debt upon the cross. Join us for a special Easter Message.

Mar 31, 2024
Revelation 8:1-13

Summary: As we open this chapter, we read there will be 30 minutes of silence in heaven. All of heaven goes silent, because of what is next to come …. the 7 Trumpets. Yet even with the blast of each trumpet, we see God extending grace to mankind, to receive His offer of love and forgiveness of sin. The offer is for anyone today as well….. will you receive it?

Mar 24, 2024
Revelation 7:1-17

Summary: Many believers do not want to study Revelation because they say the things written are too frightening, too depressing…. What? Today’s passage, brings great joy in that we see the great promise…… nobody can snatch us out of His hand, as we look at the 144,000 sealed of Israel, and the who knows how many millions upon millions (maybe even billions) who will be saved in the Tribulation Period.

Mar 17, 2024
Revelation 6:9-17

Summary: There are those who know the truth, the need for the Savior for the forgiveness of sin, but chose not to receive Him today; as we continue with seals 5 and 6, we will see “today” is the day of salvation, for tomorrow may be too late.

Mar 10, 2024
Revelation 6:1-8

Summary: Although often quoted, generally known about, if we were to ask…. Who are they and why are they, most would not really know Today we will look at these four figures of Revelation, and what they are and why there are. Come Join Us!

Mar 03, 2024
Revelation 5:8-14

Summary: After all this world, the struggles, the warfare, the faithfulness, and endurance….. there will come a day that we will all be standing together, worshipping the Lord, in perfect unity, and perfect rest, no more pain, no more sorrow, for the former things will have passed away. What will that day be like? We read in our passage before us. But….. much to glean from on how we can bring a glimpse of heaven to earth. Join us!

Feb 25, 2024
Revelation 5:1-7

Summary: Revelation chapter 5 is foundational for the understanding of why things are the way they are on this earth. Why is there is evil? Why do bad things happen? Will it always be this way? Why does God allow it? Chapter 5 “reveals” the answers to these things. Join us as we study this passage, verse-by- verse.

Feb 18, 2024
Revelation 4:8-11

Summary: When we get to the “Throne of Grace’, we will be casting our crowns at His feet. What are these crowns? How do we receive them? Why do we cast them? And the biggest question for us today is….. will I have any to cast? Join us, as we study how we “receive” these crowns.

Feb 11, 2024
Revelation 4:1-7

Summary: In our passage today, we get a glimpse into the Throne of God. What a sight, and what an invitation to “come and see”. This is a personal invitation from God Himself to you and me!

Feb 04, 2024
Revelation 3:14-22

Summary: Maybe you were once on-fire for the Lord, refreshing to His heart, but today find yourself like the church of Laodicea….. lukewarm. How do you get back, maybe even how do you get started? Jesus gives us four things in our passage today we can do, to change our spiritual temperature

Jan 28, 2024
Revelation 3:10-13

Summary: In our study we will explore “Who is in the Rapture”. “What is the Rapture”, “When is the Rapture”, “Where is the Rapture”, “Why is there a Rapture”, and “How should we respond to the Rapture”.

Jan 21, 2024
Revelation 3:8-10

Summary: The Church of Philadelphia is the model Church, along with Smyrna it receives praises and promises from the Lord; God says they have “a little strength”, not great and mighty strength. Our worldsays we have to have great strength to do great things. Today we will be blessed to see, and relieved as well, how God does great things through our little strength. Be Encouraged.

Jan 14, 2024
Revelation 3:7-8

The Church of Philadelphia, is the model church of the seven churches in Revelation. We have lots to glean from the study of it, and today we start with “The Peg”, Jesus Himself that we can hang everything and all things off of in our lives (relationships, ministry, missions, and salvation).

Jan 07, 2024
Revelation 3:7b

Looking at the News and Prophecy and seeing that things are not falling apart, but falling right in place as the scriptures said they would.

Dec 31, 2023
Revelation 3:7

A Special Christmas Eve Message

Dec 24, 2023
Revelation 2:18-29

Summary: Known as the “corrupt church”, as they did not just tolerate sin, they fully embraced it. Thyatira means “continual sacrifice”, and God gives the unveiling on how they, and us, can live the God-Life, a life that is a sweet fragrance to the Lord, and the world.

Dec 10, 2023
Revelation 2:8-11

Summary: The Church of Smyrna is known for being the persecuted church, a church suffering tribulation, but….. that remained faithful to the end. There is a power in a believer’s life that is unstoppable, cannot be overcome, that says…… even in the storm, I will still praise You Lord.

Nov 26, 2023
Revelation 2:1-7

Summary: The Church of Ephesus will go down in history as being known as the church (and individuals) that left their first love. Could that be us, could that be you today? Here is the vital point! They did not know it or notice it, even in the midst of all their good works and activities, the Lord had to speak to them to expose it. We would all do well, to hear this Word from the Lord today, and see if we could be in the same state and not know it.

Nov 19, 2023
Revelation 1:19

Summary: God gives a divine outline for this book in our passage today, because He wants to “Reveal It – Unveil It”, it is anything but hidden. Once we see the 3 points of the outline, the Book becomes very easy to follow and unlock. Join us for the overview of Revelation, in one study!

Nov 05, 2023
Revelation 1:13-20

Summary: The only physical description of Jesus in the New Testament is found in our verses today. For us all, see “The Glorified Christ”, and our vision will be clear on all things and everything.

Oct 29, 2023
Revelation 1:9-12

Summary: Today passage John will hear the voice of God, and then “turned to see” the wonderful revelation of Jesus Christ. The Shepherds in Bethlehem “turned to see”, the Wise Men from the East “turned to see”, and Moses in the wilderness “turned to see”; and to all that did, they were gifted a deeper revelation of God. Today’s study, we get to “turn and see”.

Oct 22, 2023
Revelation 1:5-8

Summary: This week we finish, what we began studying last week that the tendency when studying the Book of Revelation is to get to the what “John saw” regarding the unveiling of the Last Days, and they are very troubling sights indeed, So before God unfolds the book before us He brings words of comfort to His children so that they may fear not, and trust His sovereignty, and His Love.  

Oct 15, 2023
Revelation 1:4

Summary: The tendency when studying the Book of Revelation is to get to the what “John saw” regarding the unveiling of the Last Days, and they are very troubling sights indeed, So before God unfolds the book before us He brings words of comfort to His children so that they may fear not, and trust His sovereignty, and His Love.  

Oct 08, 2023
Revelation 1:1-3

Summary: The word revelation means to unveil, to make known, yet many people can think this book is hard to understand; on the contrary, the Lord’s whole purpose is for us to understand it (reveal it to us). So much so God promises us a blessing (1:3) if we read it. The Book of Revelation is the only book in the Bible that comes with such a promise. Join us as we get blessed and begin this verse-by-verse study through the Book of Revelation.

Oct 01, 2023
Jude 1:1-7 (Defending the Faith)

Passage: Jude 1:1-7 Title: Contending (Protecting and Defending) the Faith Summary: For 2,000 years since Christ, there have been faithful saints who have contended (protected and defended) The Faith. They preserved “The Faith” for us, and now we have the same calling to protect and defend The Faith for the current and next generation. Jude gives us a great reminder of this calling.

Sep 17, 2023
No Greater Joy (Children Walking in Love & Truth)

Summary: The Apostle John speaks the joy of every parent, and that is seeing their children walking in the love and truth of the Lord. While this is true for every parent, it is also an expression of the joy our Heavenly Father has when we His children do the same. In our passage, the Lord will declare 5 things that when we do them brings Him joy. Join us as we look into the Heart of the Father.

Sep 10, 2023
2 John 1:1-13

Passage: 2 John 1-13 Title: The Guardians of the Gospel (Truth & Love) Summary: We often say “Truth and Love” need to be balanced, but for us it is when we combine them and weave them together as inseparable, that we find great and tremendous power in our walk with the Lord, and with all our personal relationships (marriage, family, friendships, and neighbors).

Sep 03, 2023
1 John 5:1-21 | The Confidence (Fearless Freedom) that is Ours as Believers

he word “confidence” means fearless freedom, and in our study today we will see we as Believers can have confidence, fearless freedom, to overcome all things, believe and live as Jesus says we can, that God hears our prayers, and that Jesus keeps us! A powerful, and freeing passage of Scripture indeed. Join Us! Calvary Chapel of Anne Arundel | Pastor Ray Bollas

1h 23m
Aug 27, 2023
1 John 4:1-21 | The Great Deception (It’s More than we Think it is)

The Great Deception has always been associated with the coming of the Antichrists; but in this study we will see it is even more than that, and the Church doesn’t even recognize it. Join us. Calvary Chapel of Anne Arundel | Pastor Ray Bollas

1h 27m
Aug 20, 2023
1 John 3:1-24 | The Manner (Other World) Love of God

In our passage today we will see God’s Love, that is outside this world, and hence why the world does not understand you. As we study we will see this love that is outside this world should affect the way we live in this world, and how we love one another. Calvary Chapel of Anne Arundel | Pastor Ray Bollas

1h 23m
Aug 13, 2023