Instruction Discussion

90.3 WHPC


A weekly look at the latest topics and trends in education, affecting schools on Long Island, and around the world. Whether you are a teacher, parent or student, listen for tips and strategies to help you navigate the education landscape.

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133 episodes

How to Write a Book

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with writing professor and award-winning author Philip Chioffari about what it takes to be a writer.  He shares some tips and strategies to help anyone bring out that story that is within all of us.

Apr 01, 2024
Healing Our Way Home

In determining ways to cope with the stressors of life and practice mindfulness, Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Dharma teacher Kaira Jewel Lingo, one of the authors of the book, “Healing Our Way Home - Black Buddhist Teachings on Ancestors, Joy, and Liberation”. Among topics discussed is how to practice mindfulness with our electronic devices.

Mar 25, 2024
A Cure for Dyslexia and other Learning Disabilities?

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with renowned linguistics expert and founder of the A.I. system DYSOLVE, Dr. Coral Hoh about how artificial intelligence can be used to fill in the gaps currently experienced in providing services for our special needs population. The current data shows that DYSOLVE is a better alternative to the current reading interventions and at a fraction of the cost.

Mar 18, 2024
STEP Discrimination

Kevin Boston-Hill has a lively conversation with Erin Wilcox from the Pacific Legal Foundation and lead attorney in a lawsuit filed against NY Education Department's Science & Technology Entry Program (STEP). Joining the conversation is Wai Wah Chin, Charter President of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance Greater New York, one of the plaintiffs in the case. At stake is whether NY's STEP has discriminatory practices in providing opportunities for those underrepresented in the S.T.E.M. fields.

Mar 11, 2024
Teaching that Words Matter to be More Humane

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with friend of the show, Lisbet Chiraboga, the Program Manager of PETA's TeachKind program, which has just launched the Words Matter language guide for K-5 classrooms. It is the hope that this program will continue to support the teaching of empathy towards animals and, by extension, be more humane towards each other.

Mar 04, 2024
Climate Change Education for All Students

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Dr. Joe Henderson, an associate professor in the Department of Environment and Society, at Paul Smith’s College, about recent proposed legislation aimed at making climate change education a mandated part of the curriculum. They also talk about the social and economic implications of climate change and the legislation.

Feb 26, 2024
Garbage Bag Girl

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with the author of the new book, “Garbage Bag Girl”, Celeste L. Edmunds, about her experiences as a foster child in the child welfare system and what kind of support and care these vulnerable children need to help them navigate the system.

Feb 12, 2024
Question Everything

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Kenny Glenn, author of the book “Question Everything - Advice for Students and Graduates” to provide helpful tips for students of all ages to prepare for life after high school.

Feb 05, 2024
Planning for Your Future Begins at Any Age

In a world where many students don’t know what they will do after high school and others change their minds later in life and therefore face the same uncertainty, Kevin Boston-Hill may have found the answer. Here he speaks with Dr. Autumn Caviness, Director of Real Talk and Big Future at the College Board. They explore the different ways students of all ages can prepare for their lives after high school - even if they have already left school.

Jan 29, 2024
Crisis-Proofing Our Children for Future Success

As we re-imagine education in our country, there is a new book that may shed some insight on the direction in which we should go. Here, Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with the author of the book, “Crisis-Proofing Today’s Learners: Reimagining Career Education to Prepare Kids for Tomorrow’s World”, Jean Eddy, who is also the President and CEO of American Student Assistance. Joining the conversation is Dr. Shari Camhi, Superintendent of the Baldwin Union Free School District.

Jan 22, 2024
Rebecca, Not Becky - A Journey into the Impact of DEI

With the rise of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion workshops and committees, there is a lot of information that can leave people overwhelmed. Here, Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Christine Platt and Catherine Wigginton Greene about their new book, "Rebecca, Not Becky", that takes a light-hearted yet real approach to discussing the impact of DEI and its real purpose - building better relationships.

Dec 18, 2023
African American History IS History for All

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Dr. Brandi Waters, Senior Director and Program Manager of AP African American Studies at College Board, about the effect and impact of the course on student achievement and self-discovery, as well as how African American history and culture is intertwined with other cultures and communities.

Dec 11, 2023
What can NAF do for you?

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Brooke Rice, Vice-President of Work-based Learning, and Courtney Savoia, Assistant Director of Communications at NAF - a series of academies that bring schools and businesses together to provide high school students with the skills they need to be employable in this new global economy.

Nov 27, 2023
Remember Lisa

Helping us expand our knowledge of Long Island, NY history, Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Claire Bellerjeau, who, with Tiffany Yecke Brooks, authored the book, "Remember Liss - The Remarkable True Story of One Woman's Enslavement and Freedom in New York". The book introduces us to Elizabeth, or Liss as she is called, a black woman from Oyster Bay, NY, during the Revolutionary War Era. Through her "Forrest Gump"-like journey, we are given a unique look into the events that unfold during America's fight for freedom as Liss and thousands of slaves did the same.

Nov 20, 2023
Love Your Mind Today

In the continuing journey to inform people about the importance of taking care of their mental health, Kevin speaks with Dr. William Smith, Chief Executive Administrator for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the Huntsman Mental Health Institute at the University of Utah and Heidi Arthur, Ad Council Chief Campaign Development Officer about a new campaign geared to get more resources and strategies to people across the country and encourage them to take care of self the same way they care for loved ones.

Oct 30, 2023
Embracing Multiracial and Mixed-Race Identities

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with journalist and Hofstra University professor, Kristal Zook, about her memoir, “The Girl in the Yellow Poncho”. They discuss the challenges and wonders of having a multiracial identity and what can be done to support this rapidly growing segment of our population.

Oct 23, 2023
Gray Areas at Work and at School

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with award-winning sociologist and author Adia Harvey Wingfield about her new book, "Gray Areas: How the Way We Work Perpetuates Racism and What We Can Do About It". The conversation not only points out the obstacles and barriers faced by women and people of color in the workplace and at school, but offers some research proven, concrete strategies to help overcome those obstacles.

Oct 16, 2023
Sky's the LImit with NASA TechRise

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with NASA Flight Opportunities Program Manager, Danielle McCulloch, about the TechRise Student Challenge - a STEM competition for middle and high school students. For more information, go to:

Oct 09, 2023
Supporting Single Mothers and their Children to End Poverty

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Courtney Crawford, the Executive Director of the Brooklyn Campus of the Jeremiah Program, a national program that provides a variety of supports to single mothers and their children. Joining the conversation is one of the program's enrollees, Natasha Peguero.

Oct 02, 2023
Big Business, Technology, and our Children

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with policy expert and Silicon Valley-based CEO, Tom Kemp, who authored the book, "Containing Big Tech: How to Protect our Civil Rights, Economy, and Democracy". They discuss the ways the big social media companies influence every aspect of our lives and what can be done to protect ourselves, including the most vulnerable of our society - our children.

Sep 25, 2023
Less Time Planning, More Time Teaching

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Graham Glass, CEO of Cypher Learning and former Computer Technology professor, about how A.I. can dramatically cut down the amount of time it takes to plan a series of lessons - from hundreds of hours to 10 minutes! - so educators can spend more time doing what they signed up for: teaching.

Sep 18, 2023
Dual-Enrollment Opportunities for All Students

In a discussion that should spark the next Civil Rights agenda, Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Mindy Bingham, best-selling author of the Career Choices Series and Awardee of the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for Innovative Approaches to Curricula and the Breaking Traditions Award from the Equity Council of the National Association for Career and Technical Education, about the importance of providing educational equity to students in the form of early college or dual-enrollment opportunities.

Sep 11, 2023
Striking GOLD with Girl Scouts USA

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Allie McCormick, graduating Girl Scout, about the importance of her Gold Award Project - Using Art Therapy to Work with Students Facing Mental Health Issues. Joining the conversation is Gabrielle Fidis, herself a Girl Scout and current Creative Arts and Drama Therapist, who mentored and provided consultation to Allie for her project. They share tips and strategies that both students and parents can use immediately.

Sep 04, 2023
Making and Strengthening Connections with your Children

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with nationally recognized parenting expert, Ann McKitrick, to discuss ways working parents, new and veteran, can have meaningful connections with their children, given the number of hours of separation they experience.

Aug 28, 2023
Affirmative Action and College Admissions

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Allen Koh, Founder and CEO of the International Admissions Consulting Firm, Cardinal Education, about how the recent Supreme Court ruling will impact families as they apply to college and whether there could be a trickle down effect to prep school admissions.

Aug 21, 2023
Keeping Food Safe for School

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service Specialist, Meredith Carothers, about the ways to reduce the spread of food borne illnesses and how to send food with your child safely to school. Don't forget to get your food thermometer!

Aug 14, 2023
End Family Fire

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Colleen Creighton, Director of End Family Fire at Brady, and military veteran Tom Cruz about the dramatic rise in suicide by gunfire and what can be done to bring the numbers down and possibly prevent it. ***We would caution that the content may be sensitive to some listeners, but it is necessary to help keep our students, veterans and families safe.***

Aug 07, 2023
When Politics Invades High School

Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Garrett Murch, author of the book, "Ezzy's Education - A Story of Politics Invading a High School". Together they discuss the importance of students understanding and getting involved in the political process as well as how they can discern fact from rhetoric.

Jul 31, 2023
Teachers Express Opinions about Teaching

There is a teacher shortage across the country and Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Debbie Veney, Senior Vice-President of Communication and Marketing at the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, to find out why. In discussing a Harris Poll, they uncover some eye opening data.

Jul 24, 2023
Leveraging Technology to Help Kids Learn

With students spending more time with electronic devices, there is a desire to regulate their screen time. Here, Kevin Boston-Hill speaks with Sara DeWitt, Senior Vice-President and General Manager of PBS Kids, about different ways to help children use the technology responsibly and as an aid to their development.

Jul 17, 2023