117. Pro Pilot's Side Quest: What's it Like Being a DPE?
FEB 27, 2024
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In this episode, we're joined by Seth Lake, SWA Pilot and an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE), who shares invaluable insights into the life of a DPE and its potential as a side gig for professional pilots. Seth delves into the current dynamics of the flight training industry, outlines the qualifications necessary to become a DPE, and offers strategic advice to make your application stand out. Beyond the intricacies of becoming a DPE, Seth provides essential checkride tips for student pilots. The episode wraps up with a memorable story from Seth, recounting a humorous experience with a nervous student during a checkride.

Links Seth mentions in the interview:

Dynamic Regulatory System: Home of the 8900.1, which is the Flight Standards Information Management System.  Volume 5, Chapter 2 acts as our guidebook for conducting practical tests as DPEs.

8000.95 Designee Management Policy - Lists the specific qualifications needed by pilots applying to be a DPE in Chapter 2.

8000.2C  General Aviation Airman Designee Handbook - Most of this is superseded by the 8900.1 and 8000.95, but we still use Ch 7, Sect 2-11 & 13-21

Designee Management System (DMS) - This website is where we manage our practical tests and where users need to create an account in order to apply to become a DPE.

Designee Registration System (DRS) - This website has the online training portal for the DPE training you need to accomplish before being designated.

Learn more about Seth Lake's company, VSL Aero

Connect with Seth Lake on LinkedIn

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