In the Mind of the Universe - Part 1
FEB 04, 2024
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In your life, the Monad is the singularity in your own consciousness, the point of awareness from which you experience the world. You are conscious because the universe is conscious, and the commonplace experience of being a single point of awareness in your own mind—of living in your own little world—is a reflection of the Greater Monad in you.

Traditionally, the Greater Monad is the indivisible single source of reality. In science, it’s the Big Bang singularity from which the universe emerged. In mathematics, the Monad is defined as the zero-point origin of all numbers. For theologians, the Monad is the logos or Word of God. In philosophy, it’s the basic Substance at the root of both mind and matter.

This selection is from my new book, "In the Mind of the Universe: The Monad and You!" available from 

