Jolie Lucas/Mooney Girl: Aviation expertise melds with therapist career! (Season 2, Episode 18)
NOV 01, 2021
Description Community

Jolie Lucas has managed to combine all of her loves.  Her career as a therapist allows her to help those in another passion of hers, aviation. She is a private pilot with the unique ability to use her psychology knowledge and background to help others understand and use their mentality to be better pilots. She comes from an aviation family with many fond memories of travel. She began flying later in life and now expertly hosts and leads talks through AOPA, EAA, etc., and contributes to an AOPA blog.  She began the well-known course "Right Seat Ready" for copilots and family members of pilots with friend Jan Maxwell. She also co-founded Mooney Girls for dedicated and proud Mooney aircraft owners. Listen in on her story that includes a hair-raising, pivotal moment as a pilot. Lots of lessons to learn here! 
