Reality and Fitness
MAR 05, 2024
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Reality is one of the central concepts in philosophy.

In fact, one of the most fundamental questions in philosophy is, "What is real?".

Philosophers are very frequently trying to distinguish appearance from reality.

Fitness provides one of the most direct forms of access to the external world/reality in terms of directly sensing the world around us.

Fitness can also provide a direct "reality-check" to what we believe to be true about of ourselves in terms of our physical capabilities. That "reality-check" can serve as an inspiration to get better.

In this episode James and Robby ask, and attempt to answer the following questions.

What is reality?

How does reality "hit" or "push back" against what we believe to be true?

Is fitness and physical expression one of the best ways of gaining access to reality?

What lessons do we learn as people from confronting physical realities like "I can't do a pull-up" or "I can't a mile? Can these be sources of motivation and inspiration?

In a world on the brink of augmented and virtual reality encroaching on the fitness world, what does it mean to engage in "real" fitness?

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