FEB 23
Description Community

When should I split and sew my snowdrops? What are the benefits of leaving loose leaves on our borders? What tips could the panel suggest for growing a giant award winning pumpkin?

Kathy Clugston and a panel of keen gardening experts are in Balsall, West Midlands to investigate the audience's gardening conundrums. On the panel this week are garden designer Bunny Guinness, self proclaimed botanical geek James Wong, and plantswoman Christine Walkden.

Later, James Wong takes a trip to Manchester's Chinatown to explore the wide variety of plants and shurbs they have on display, as well as the cultural significance of a Salix discolor in Chinese New celebrations.

Senior Producer: Bethany Hocken
Assistant Producer: Rahnee Prescod
Executive Producer: Carly Maile

A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4
