JAN 07, 2023
Description Community

(The below text version of the notes is for search purposes and convenience. See the PDF version for proper formatting such as bold, italics, etc., and graphics where applicable. Copyright: 2023 Retraice, Inc.)

Re108: Contributors and Controllers
(Day 6, AIMA4e Chpt. 6)

A subdivision within the players of the computer control game.
CSPs and factored vs. atomic representations; war in Re107; Re69's citation date; the many applications of CSPs, and contributors; contributors and controllers in computer control; nation states, sub-states, companies; politicians, spooks, military, police; shareholders, directors, executives; engineers, professors; hackers.

Air date: Friday, 6th Jan. 2023, 10:00 PM Eastern/US.

Notes on CSPs, war in Re107, and Re69's citation

Russell & Norvig (2020) chpt. 6 is about constraint satisfaction problems, which use factored representations of states in problems instead of atomic representations or structured representations.

During yesterday's livestream for Re107 (Retraice (2023/01/05)), I failed to mention the Bobby Fischer quote, "chess is war", and subsequent commentary.^1 It's in the Re107 notes.

Also, until yesterday, the citation of Re69 (Retraice (2022/12/03)) had incorrectly Nov. instead of Dec. as the month. It's fixed. You were wondering about that.

Two categories of players in computer control

The many applications of CSPs mentioned in chpt. 6, and the many people cited in the bibliography section who contributed the ideas and systems and work that made the applications (indeed, our modern world) possible, lead to an idea:

A tentative venn of the major types of groups and individuals in computer control.
Notice that most groups can be all-one-category or some-in-both; but hackers (black-, white- and grey-hat) can be all-in-either as well as some-in-both. An example of `sub-state' is California, which can exert a lot of influence by the size of its population.



Retraice (2022/12/03). Re69: TABLE-DRIVEN-AGENT Part 5 (ECMP and AIMA4e p. 48). Retrieved 4th Dec. 2022.

Retraice (2023/01/05). Re107: Three Kinds of AI (Day 5, AIMA4e Chpt. 5). Retrieved 6th Jan. 2023.

Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2020). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Pearson, 4th ed. ISBN: 978-0134610993. Searches:


^1 Russell & Norvig (2020) p. 168.

