Always A Bride? Poor Christina Kettlewell
MAY 07, 2022
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Back in Ontario in the 1940's a young couple eloped, they went on their honeymoon at a lovely cottage on a stunning lake, and lived happily ever after... Well, they did for about 8 days anyway until the bride, Christina Kettlewell was found dead in just 9 inches of water. And because we're looking at it, there's gotta be some crazy twist, right? Naturally. Honeymoon's are meant for just the newlyweds, so most people found it strange when the couples friend, Ronald Barrie joined them. In fact, it seemed the three were inseparable. 

Perhaps it was some kind of love triangle, or an insurance scheme, or even suicide. But whatever it was that happened at that cottage will forever be lost to the annals of time. One last note on it: the cottage also burned down the same day Christina was found, sooooooooo......

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