Seeing Double | The Doppelganger
APR 29, 2022
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I'm sure we've all had the sense of De Ja Vu, where we swear we've experienced whatever's going on in the moment before. But have you ever had that feeling with yourself? That's a weird question, but to put it bluntly: have you ever seen yourself? Maybe it was in passing, maybe you were taking a stroll down the street and you spotted something a little too familiar across the road. You snap your head over and swear you saw yourself going the other way. The Doppelganger is a very weird phenomenon that basically describes what I just said. Usually it's associated with bad omens, or even death, but not always. The few reports throughout history that I could find did have many people dying after seeing themselves, though one prominent figure didn't survive long after the encounter.

Social media is also rife with stories of glitches in the matrix where somebody has seen a bus full of what looks like clones, or people running into another on a plane who looks, dresses, acts, sounds just like them. Well, what's going on with these instances? Are they you from another dimension, is it pure happenstance, is it the genetic code recycling itself? Well, the true answer is, we have no idea. But if you want to hear more about it, you'll just have to listen to the full episode.

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