There’s Aliens In Them Hills in Lubbock
OCT 10, 2022
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Aliens seem to love the south, I mean, why wouldn't they? It's warm, there's that infamous southern hospitality, there's Mexican food, man, if I were an alien, I'd go there. But that's beside the point, today we're looking at aliens, and a case that took place in Lubbock, Texas. This is an interesting one for the sole reason that the most prominent witnesses were actual real life doctors. Not Medical Doctors, but just regular old doctors of other things. Nevertheless, the credibility for the sightings couldn't have been held in higher regard. 

There was, of course, an investigation into the sighting, which a lot of people saw, not just a handful of doctors. The conclusion of said investigation... well, that lead to a bit of disappointment and none answers. But it's still a fun look into some aliens, so if that's your jam, then you're in for a treat!

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