Budget-Friendly Vegan Living Tips for the Family
FEB 15, 2023
Description Community

Amber Allen is a YouTuber and mom of 3 kids and 3 rescue dogs who strives for balance by living as low waste as possible while still eating wonderful food and having fun. She’s on a mission to show the world that small changes can have a big impact, and she’s on the show to tell us all about how!


Show Notes:

  • Amber’s mission of raising her family with a low-waste, plant-based lifestyle

  • How Amber started living plant-based, and how she accidentally became low-waste

  • How Amber got started growing her own food in a tiny urban apartment

  • Amber’s best tips for living a budget-friendly, sustainable plant-based lifestyle

  • The value of training, repurposing, & how to find people items to trade/repurpose

  • How to select the best second-hand products, and when to buy new items

  • A vegan who wears leather? Learn the story of why it was a more sustainable decision.

  • Making intuition-based decisions rather than trying to find the “rule” about what is most sustainable or vegan

  • Unusual things that Amber does to save money and live sustainably

  • DIY laundry detergent that lasts all year

  • How to use reusable toilet paper

  • How to help reduce food waste by buying expiring/recently expired food at supermarkets

  • How to give plastic fruit/veg supermarket containers another life

  • The energy and work required to grow and preserve food

  • Amber’s strategy to prevent food waste at home

  • How to normalize “strange” foods for young children

  • The importance of creating an environment where healthy foods/cooking is easier than grabbing convenience foods or takeout

  • How to make your own plant-based convenience foods to have on hand (broths, pressure cooker meals, meal prepping)

  • A guide to consciously giving and receiving sustainable gifts

  • How Amber and her husband got out of $70 000 of debt

  • The difference between frugality and being cheap

  • Thank you to our sponsors Ritual (get 10% off at ritual.com/plantpowered) and Caraway Home (get 10% off at carawayhome.com/plantpoweredkitchen or use code plantpoweredkitchen at checkout)


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