The Grief of losing our 3 Precious Triplets with Jane Weekes
JUL 13, 2020
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How do we survive such suffering and loss?
Losing a child is known to be one of the worst forms of suffering in life. The pain involved in losing three children at once is incomprehensible, but it is the tragic story of Jane and Martin weeks who lost their triplets in 2012,  aged two, in a fire in a shopping mall in Quarter.
Their courage and bravery to endure such loss is remarkable, as they faced the shock and horror in a country that wasn't their home. In addition as their world turned upside down, they had to endure national and international news reporters, social media - as well as the trauma - of injustice and negligence. Remarkably to this day they have never received an apology.
Join us on our podcast as Jane shares her day by day journey of survival, her courage to be vulnerable, a discussion on forgiveness and her remarkable insight and wisdom that she shares with others who have suffered the loss of a child.
With huge thanks and gratitude to Jane.
Love, light and peace
Sue & Jo 
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