Why Is Marriage Disappearing?
SEP 27, 2023
Description Community

What's happened to the sanctity of marriage? It seems today's world has shifted from commitment-based marriages to an era of 'expressive individualism' - but at what cost? Join us as we scrutinize this startling decline and the seismic societal shifts that have led us here. We're diving deep into the statistics, the causes, and the far-reaching implications of this change. Is it the independence of the 'me generation?' What about women's escalating roles in the workforce? We're questioning it all.

The second half of our conversation turns the spotlight onto the fallout of this marriage recession. We're exposing the harsh realities of men losing touch with their children post-divorce and the alarming erosion of commitment in our increasingly self-centered society. But, there's hope! So, join us in this thought-provoking exploration and learn the tools you need to restore the foundations of family and commitment.

Relationship Radio is hosted by CEO of Marriage Helper, Kimberly Beam Holmes, and founder of Marriage Helper, Dr. Joe Beam.

Regardless of your situation, what we teach will not only make your relationships better, but will also help you to become the best version of yourself along the way.

Relationship Radio is released every Wednesday and is an extension of Marriage Helper.

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