The Normalize You Podcast

The Normalize You Podcast


Your one-stop shop for all things self-love, body acceptance, Eating Disorder awareness, and mental health! Gabi, an Eating Disorder Warrior and newly licensed Therapist, is here to stand up against diet culture, defy societal norms, and embrace radical acceptance. She strives to empower you to see yourself as more than a body and support you along your journey to healing. This podcast is educational, fun, and relatable, and just what you need to start the week off right! Follow along @grow_withgabi and for all podcast updates.

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12 episodes

S2 Ep1: 3 Reasons Why Recovery is Worth it!

* Three reasons, amongst many, why recovery is TRULY worth it! Eating Disorders are rampant and one of the most deadly psychiatric illnesses in the world. Yes, you read that correctly... We live in a world where the thin ideal is more important than health, and that's simply not okay. If you're someone who struggles with severe body image issues, and a healthy relationship with food, I hope that after listening to this episode, I've convinced you (even just a little) that recovery is worth pursuing or looking into. 

Mar 02, 2022
11: Stop Shrinking & Start Taking up Space with Chrissy King

* Chrissy King is a writer, speaker, strength coach, and educator with a passion for creating a diverse and inclusive wellness industry. She's been featured in various publications such as SHAPE, Health, Cosmopolitan, Buzzfeed, and many more. Join us in this conversation all about diet culture, fatphobia, inclusivity, oppression, and much more!

May 24, 2021
10: The Anti Diet Riot Club with Becky Young

* Becky Young is the founder and director of the Anti Diet Riot Club in the United Kingdom. She's a fat positive and body acceptance activist, who's determined to change the narrative surrounding diet culture. Join us to chat all things diet culture, fatphobia, Eating Disorders, and self-care!

May 10, 2021
9: The 3 Roadblocks to Intuitive Eating

* Have you ever felt hesitant to pursue Intuitive Eating? Yeah... me too. I remember when I first decided to pursue Intuitive Eating many years back... I was scared, and rightfully so. I had been dieting my entire life. How could I possibly learn to listen to my body? In this episode, I chat with you all about the three roadblocks that often come up while embracing the Intuitive Eating process. I break them down, and explain why they occur. I hope this episode helps you feel seen, heard, and validated. And more importantly, I hope it encourages you to keep fighting for food freedom!

Apr 26, 2021
8: Breaking Down the Barriers for the People the System Fails with Rebecca Eyre

* Rebecca Eyre, CEO of Project Heal, is an Eating Disorder clinician determined to raise awareness about the injustices of insurance coverage for Eating Disorders. She is personally committed to fighting for radical body acceptance and against the insidious cultural norms of diet mentality and fatphobia. Her passion for expanding access to Eating Disorder recovery and breaking down the barriers for the people that the system fails, makes her a perfect fit for Project Heal's mission. She's an incredible mental health and social justice activist, and someone I am lucky to call a colleague and friend. 

Apr 19, 2021
7: Eating Disorder Awareness in the UK with Susan Ringwood

* In this episode, I am joined by Susan Ringwood, a former CEO and Eating Disorder activist, from the United Kingdom. Susan shares what kinds of resources are available in the UK for those struggling with Eating Disorders, diet culture internationally, all about her HUGE role in a body positive magazine cover, and much more! 

Mar 29, 2021
6: Health at Every Size with Lindo Bacon

* In this episode, Dr. Lindo Bacon, world renowned author and researcher, chats with me about shaping a culture of empathy, equity, and true belonging, and defying diet culture's toxic narrative. 

Mar 15, 2021
5: Dating and Diet Culture

* Dating and diet culture. What a combination! But, nonetheless, an important combination to discuss. If you haven't noticed, we live in a world so obsessed with fitness and food, that it can be hard to find someone who doesn't focus on these things. Not impossible, but definitely difficult! In this episode, I chat with y'all about navigating the dating world in the most authentic way possible and some funny dating stories you won't want to miss!

Mar 08, 2021
4: Making Peace With Food With Elyse Resch

* Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, Fiaedp, FADA, FAND, is a nutrition therapist in private practice in Beverly Hills, California, with 39 years of experience specializing in Eating Disorders, Intuitive Eating, and Health at Every Size. She is the co-author of Intuitive Eating, now in its 4th edition, the Intuitive Eating Workbook, and The Intuitive Eating Card Deck--50 Bite-Sized Ways to Make Peace with Food (upcoming, 2021). In this episode, we talk about all things Intuitive Eating, HAES, diet culture, disordered eating, and much more! Join us in this discussion on how to learn to make peace with food and see yourself as MORE than a body.

Mar 01, 2021
3: Beyond The Pursuit of Thinness

* The pursuit of thinness isn't just a desire to be "skinny." It's much more than that. What is it that we are  yearning for? Together, let's explore the deeper meaning behind the pursuit of diet culture's unrealistic ideal.

Feb 22, 2021
2: The Inside Scoop on Eating Disorders with Dr. Edward Tyson

* Dr. Edward Tyson has specialized in the assessment and treatment of eating disorders for over 30 years. He is the owner of the Medical Center for Eating Disorders in both Austin and Houston, Texas. One of his many accomplishments includes working to develop legislation in the state of Texas to mandate insurance coverage for eating disorders. He helped me heal from a 10-year Eating Disorder and without his guidance and support, I don't know where I would be today. Join us in our chat about all things Eating Disorders, recovery, and diet culture!

Feb 15, 2021
1: Welcome to The Normalize You Podcast

* Welcome to The Normalize You Podcast! I did it! I released a podcast and I couldn't be more excited to take you along for the ride.  Social: @grow_withgabi and 

Feb 08, 2021