3-6 Siyum Mishnayos Kinim & Seder Kodshim!!!
MAR 19, 2024
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Dear Learners!

Mazel Tov on our completion of Mishnayos Kinim and the entire volume of Seder Kodshim 🥂 !!!

It certainly has been some journey, dating all the way back to early September 2018 when
we initially launched 10 Min A Day®! I hold strongly in recognizing the value of the time one has in
a day, and making the most of every minute! Small goals are the best way to climb the ladder of
success. I believe there are a number of takeaways we can all learn from this accomplishment of
getting to this point in the program. First would be the value of commitment. When a person
commits to a small goal, not only is there the value of the final outcome they are achieving, but
there is the added bonus of molding themselves into a different kind of person. Challenges that
once seemed impossible to overcome now become possible. The second thing I believe we can
focus on is The Compound Effect, which is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of
small, smart choices. At first,10 minutes doesn’t seem like much, but when compounded
consistently over time, its value grows to a size beyond our wildest dreams. We should never take
for granted the small things we do. The last point I would like to address, is the actual
accomplishment that we now have, the knowledge, and satisfaction of so many different
mishnayos in Shas. We have completed Seder Moed, Seder Nashim, Seder Zeraim, Seder
Nezikin, and now Seder Kodshim! That leaves us with just the last Seder to tackle, Seder Taharos!
It is our duty to study Hashem’s Torah. Not only are we expanding our horizons of Torah, but we
are fulfilling the verse that we say twice a day in Shema, “Uvlechta Baderech” to learn on the

I look forward to continuing my journey with you as we begin to learn Seder Taharos tomorrow!

Seder Kodshim - March 5, 2023-March 17, 2024!

  1. Zevachim - 51 Days, 14 Perakim, 101 Mishnayos, 8.5 Hours of Limud HaTorah.

  2. Menachos - 47 Days, 13 Perakim, 93 Mishnayos, 7+ Hours of Limud HaTorah.

  3. Chullin - 39 Days, 12 Perakim, 74 Mishnayos, 6.5 Hours of Limud HaTorah.

  4. Bechoros - 39 Days, 9 Perakim, 73 Mishnayos, 6.5 Hours of Limud HaTorah.

  5. Erchin - 28 Days, 9 Perakim, 50 Mishnayos, 4.5 Hours of Limud HaTorah.

  6. Temurah - 19 Days, 7 Perakim, 35 Mishnayos, 3+ Hours of Limud HaTorah.

March 17, 2024

  1. Kerisos -

  2. Meilah -

  3. Tamid -

  4. Midos -

  5. Kinim -

26 Days, 6 Perakim, 43 Mishnayos, 4+ Hours of Limud HaTorah.
20 Days, 6 Perakim, 38 Mishnayos, 3+ Hours of Limud HaTorah.
19 Days, 7 Perakim, 34 Mishnayos, 3+ Hours of Limud HaTorah.

18 Days, 5 Perakim, 34 Mishnayos, 3 Hours of Limud HaTorah.

9 Days, 3 Perakim, 15 Mishnayos, 1.5 Hours of Limud HaTorah.

Total: 11 masechtas, 91 perakim, 590 mishnayos, 297 days, 53 hours = 2+ days of non
stop Torah learning to complete the entire Seder Kodshim!
