Who Are The Majestic 12? A Majority 12 Majic Mystery
MAR 14, 2024
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The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe the Majestic 12. Or should that be Majority 12? Or is that the Shi*ty Six? It’s said that right around the time of the Roswell UFO crash of 1947, a group hidden beyond plain sight were formed to first examine alien remains before ultimately controlling decision-making pertaining to alien visitation to earth, as well as controlling the development of our own future based upon alien technology. There have been documents uncovered over the years lending some credibility to this story. Enough credibility in fact that the Air Force and FBI have taken a look. Those documents included a Majestic 12 1952 Briefing given by an anonymous intelligence official to Britain's leading ufologist of the time, Timothy Good. Across the pond, UFO researcher Jaime Shandera also received this 1952 briefing, purported to be written by a Head of Central Intelligence, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, for President-elect Dwight Eisenhower, outlining the creation of the Majestic 12. This led to a probing of archives which uncovered further mention of this mysterious group in official records. Aliens WERE recovered at Roswell AND elsewhere! Some say this is all legitimate. Others believe that this is a hoax. Others still, acknowledge that the best cover up of all may indeed be to just tell the truth, sprinkled with one or two easily disprovable elements to convince the world that the truth is too bonkers to be real. Alongside that, we ponder whether wearing a crown to a job interview is the only way to assure that you will be offered the job. Just so long as garçon brings you that drink… All that and more on this week’s file.










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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō. Super. 




FBI Vault: https://vault.fbi.gov/Majestic%12 


Black Vault link to same document: https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/fbifiles/majestic.pdf


Presidential History Geeks Live Journal write up: https://potus-geeks.livejournal.com/1517129.html


Your Paranormal article: https://yourparanormal.com/conspiracy-theories/majestic-12/ 


William Cooper article: https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~abatko/interests/conspiracy/mj12/
