Tuesday, 02.27.24
FEB 28, 2024
Description Community

*Snowcone finally watched Dear Zachery, a sad documentary from 2008. Not just a sad documentary, but the saddest documentary anyone has ever seen. Snowcone is still having a hard time finding his center. 

*If you're worried about your kids turning 18 and suffering from empty nest syndrome, you can relax. They won't be moving out until they're 27.

*British tabloids are reporting some unpleasant rumors about Taylor and Travis but there might be a reasonable explanation for all of this. 

*Wendy's will experiment with surge pricing and people are reacting exactly how you'd expect.

*Experts suggest that kids start wearing headphones and earbuds to keep them busy and give you a moment to yourself. 

*Puff Daddy has a new accuser and new accusations. 

*"Look at me! I'm the captain now!"

*Have you ever been to a wedding where something crazy happened? Have you ever been the crazy thing that happened at a wedding?

*Thanks for listening to the podcast. Please leave a review, tell a friend, and join us each weekday on twitch at 2p central. www.twitch.tv/churchoflazlo Have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. 


-Everybody Wang Chung!!!





