Bread of Life: A Spiritual Sustenance for the Weary Traveler
FEB 19, 2024
Description Community

Today, we continue our weary traveler series. Listen in as I chat about a few layers of bread's symbolism in the Bible, an essential sustenance for both the body and soul. This episode attempts to knead together the rich narrative of bread cited 492 times in Scripture, as we explore its place from Genesis to the miraculous manna of Exodus, and how it intertwines with our faith journey today. Drawing inspiration from old and New Testament traditions, we will reveal how bread is not only a reminder of God's provision but also a powerful metaphor for the Word of God that fuels our spiritual endurance.

As we break the 'bread of life' together, we'll reflect on the profound unity and nourishment we discover in Christ, inspired by the teachings of 1 Corinthians 10:16-17. Our communion bread is more than a ritual; it's a tangible symbol of our collective identity in Jesus, providing spiritual sustenance that fosters growth within our community of believers. Join us for this episode as we extend encouragement especially for YOU, and celebrate the shared strength we gain from our faith's divine nourishment with others.

Remember, weary traveler you won't be weary long... Listen in next week for another episode of weary traveler essentials.

Now get out into the world and be a woman who intentionally encourages another!

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