What’s In Your Lens? The History of Telescopes Part 1
DEC 19, 2023
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The telescope has revolutionized the way we understand the universe. But in the four centuries since its invention, it seems astronomy science today has lost the original focus of those Christians who first laid eyes on the heavens through their spyglasses. 

On the next two episodes of Good Heavens! Wayne and Dan take a peek back on some of the highlights and discoveries of the earliest telescopes. Here on part one we chat about who really invented the telescope, what the basic kinds of telescopes are today, and what sort of discoveries had been made with this revolutionary new device. 

Come and See! 

Good Heavens! is a production of Watchman Fellowship, Inc., Arlington, Texas. For more information about our ministry, visit Watchman.org

Books mentioned in these episodes. Ideas and conclusions in these books do not necessarily reflect the views of Watchman Fellowship or Good Heavens! 

Tycho & Kepler


The History of the Telescope

The Stars: The Definitive Visual Guide to the Cosmos  by Dorling Kindersley


Wayne and Dan's co-authored book The Story of the Cosmos


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