I Got This Nancy!
FEB 02, 2024
Description Community
Did you know that Nancy is the new Karen for the over 55+ crowd? Lisa and Sam got a ‘I got this Nancy’ when they reacted to a car narrowly missing their rental car. Initially too shocked to return a snarky reply, those snappy comebacks came flying after the fact! Do you make friends at the airport and should yoga be done waiting for your meds? Are you a yoga pants and running shoe traveler? Do you still own a dress coat and dress watch? What's it like being a goldfish? Will Barbie get her due and is karma real? Do you have a natural talent? Where do you stand on gloves vs mittens? What did your parents do to keep you quiet while eating out as a kid? Opinions are plentiful in this episode so check it out, it might just make you shake your head! 
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