Welcome to episode 211 of Jigs & Bigs! This week, join us as we delve into the world of early spring bladed jigs, exploring the most effective flow of baits to throw in succession. We also take a deep dive into 6th Sense's latest offering for organizing soft plastics. And that's not all - in a special segment, Powerbait Paul takes the beef seat to share insights on Beating the Banks in NJ with our very own Bobby Roast Beef. Tune in for an action-packed episode full of fishing tips, tricks, and expert advice!
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BUY HEAT YOUR MEAT: https://heatyourmeat.net/
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Thanks to our Show Partners!
- Dark Horse Tackle - https://rebrand.ly/5p68yye [Save 15% off your first box in a Weekend Warrior or Dabble Pack month-month subscription using code JIGSANDBIGS15 at checkout or put together a BYOB and use the code JANDBBYOB25!
- Omnia Fishing - https://omnia.direct/OmniaE-GiftCard [Save 15% off your FIRST order at Omnia Fishing!]
- A-Bay Lure - https://abaylure.com [Use code Jigsandbigs to save 20% on your entire order]
- Bay House Apartment - https://shorturl.at/fpRX8
- The Ship Motel - https://theshipmotel.com/
- Reaction Tackle - https://bit.ly/3ROTj5k
- Three Belles Outfitters - https://rebrand.ly/zsdnchi
- Torege Polarized Sunglasses - https://rebrand.ly/i2cqymx [Use code jigsandbigs10 to save 10% at checkout!]