3/5 Judges 2 - Struggling to be Faithful
MAR 05, 2024
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Sometimes we struggle in our faith, and today in our study of Judges 2, we will see that the people wavered in their faith and struggled in fellowship with God, and suffered the consequences for it. We’ll also see that their struggles lay out key principles for living a life of faith today. Join us for another key study in God’s Word!


1.    Who is addressing the people in verse 1? What in verse 1 helps us decode who this is? Why is this important to understand? 
2.    What did the people fail to do in verse 3? What was the Lord’s response for this failure in verse 3? 
3.    How did the people respond in verses 4 & 5? In light of the rest of this chapter, why do you think the people were weeping?
4.    Who died in verse 8? What impact you think this had on the people? Who rose up after him and his generation passed away? 
5.    Who did these people begin to serve in verses 11 & 13? What reasons did the podcast give for why people were tempted to worship these false gods? How is this kind of idolatry still reflected in our world today?
6.    Against the backdrop of everything we have studied so far, why is this so astounding? What judgment did their sin receive in verses 14 & 15?
7.    Who did the Lord begin to raise up in verse 16? How did the people respond to them in verse 17? 
8.    The podcast explained that the Book of Judges covers 300 years and 7 cycles of sin. What were the stages of their cycle from sin to salvation and back to sin?
9.    The podcast explained that this is also a picture of how we can deal with our sin. What are we supposed to do when we see that our relationship with God is struggling?
10.    What does verse 22 say was the reason for God leaving the unbelieving nations in the Promised Land? How would this have clarified the content of their faith?

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

