Claire Rogers - Return To Work Mums - A Fresh Perspective
APR 29, 2021
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Claire Rogers: Return to Work Mums — A Fresh Perspective
Chief Executive Officer of World Vision Australia, Head of Digital Banking, Strategy and Innovation at ANZ and Director of Melbourne Business School are just some of the many impressive titles that you can see on Claire Rogers’ resume. On top of that, Claire is also a mother of two. In line with Mentor List Talent’s diverse initiatives to support women in leadership, women in technology and return-to-work mums, Sharon Daly, our own Managing Director, chatted to Claire about her experience as a mum returning to work. We talk about how societal challenges, discrimination, and even our own mindsets can become obstacles to a woman’s desire to return to work after having a child. Claire shares valuable advice from her own experiences on how to overcome ‘mummy guilt’, manage your expectations for yourself, and establish boundaries with your employer. She also discusses how to maintain balance in your life and how to ask for what you need. Finally, we talk about some of the ways Mentor List Talent can support you if you are a return-to-work mum, and some of the exclusive key offerings and opportunities we offer. Be sure to tune in!