Ep 59: Essential Amino Acids: what exactly are they and why do we need them
MAR 12, 2024
Description Community

In this episode Ashleigh asks the CEO and co-founder of Kion, Angelo Keely, to do a deep dive on essential amino acids. As a life-long meat eater, Ashleigh is skeptical about EAA supplements, so they talk about:

  • What essential amino acids are and why they're important
  • The differences between BCAA's and EAA's
  • How much you're actually getting from your food
  • How to make sure you're getting enough to optimize your health
  • How to best incorporate EAA's to optimize intake, muscle growth, and overall health
  • Can you overdo it and ingest too many EAA's?
  • Are supplemental EAA's necessary, and if you want to use them, how best to incorporate into a well-rounded diet

All that and more - if you enjoyed this specific deep dive with a subject matter expert let us know and we can do more like this. Email musclescience4women@gmail.com with your questions, feedback, and topic ideas.

If you want to try Kion's Essential Amino Acids products (which Ashleigh is currently using, as well as their creatine) you can get up to 20% off here: getkion.com/musclescience

Check out our specialized program, the Grow Your Glutes Workshop: https://www.rgfit.com/glutes

More info on our flagship strength training program, Muscle Science for Women: http://www.musclescienceforwomen.com

