Passion Week: Thursday - The Passover Supper
MAR 28, 2024
Description Community

Luke 22:7-13

Then came the Day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover
must be killed. And He sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and prepare the
Passover for us, that we may eat." So they said to Him, "Where do You
want us to prepare?" And He said to them, "Behold, when you have
entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him
into the house which he enters. Then you shall say to the master of the house,
'The Teacher says to you, "Where is the guest room where I may eat the
Passover with My disciples?" ' Then he will show you a large, furnished
upper room; there make ready." So they went and found it just as He had
said to them, and they prepared the Passover.


As we look at the major events in the life of our Lord
Jesus Christ in what is called “Passion Week”, we have come to Thursday. To get
a full picture of all took place, remember it was on Wednesday that Judas
Iscariot secretly went back to Jerusalem and sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
with the promise that he would betray Him. Now early Thursday morning in
Bethany, Jesus sends Peter and John to Jerusalem to prepare the Passover Supper
for Him and His disciples. So, most of the recorded events in the four Gospels that
take place on Thursday must have happened late in the afternoon and evening.


We can’t be sure of the exact sequence of these events, but
it appears to me that at some point during the supper, according to John 13:4,
Jesus washes His disciple’s feet. This might have happened after Jesus overhears
them arguing at the table who would be the greatest in the kingdom (Luke
22:24-30). Jesus is teaching them a practical lesson on humility. Keep in mind,
Jesus knows that this Passover Supper is about His sacrificial death that will
take place in just a few short hours.


Jesus already knows that Judas has sold Him for 30 pieces
of silver, the disciples are expecting Him to set up an earthly kingdom very
soon and they are seeking to be sitting next to Him on His throne. Jesus then
gives the message on a heavenly kingdom in John 14 as He tells them that He is
going to prepare a place for them, but He will come again (John 14:1-6).  Jesus also gives them the promise of the Holy
Spirit in John 14 and 16. In John 15, Jesus teaches them the lesson on the True
Vine and the importance as branches to abide in Him.


Then at some point Jesus also prays His High Priestly
prayer that is recorded in John 17. All of this occurs on Thursday evening.
Jesus also tells the disciples that one of them will betray Him and send Judas
out. After the supper is ended, they sing a hymn, no doubt from the Psalms, and
leave the Upper Room and make their way to the Mount of Olives and the Garden
of Gethsemane (John 18:1). Jesus also announces on the way there, that all of
them would forsake Him and be scattered (Matthew 26:31).


Thursday evening ends with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
with His disciples. Jesus is praying but the disciples are sleeping.


I’m afraid that many of us are like the disciples on the eve
of the greatest event in human history that will take place on Friday, the sacrificial
death of Jesus on a cross, and we are arguing and being divided about things
that really don’t matter!  Of course, the
Resurrection of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit changed all that in the
lives of the disciples and can transform us also!


God bless!
