Episode 606: 2024NFL Draft Quarterback Tiers
FEB 22
Description Community

The 2024 TierBuster Series kicks off as Paul shares his 2024 NFL Draft Quarterback rankings and tiers. He first describes the exclusive  S2S tiers and the traits & characteristics that make up each of the four quarterback tiers.

Next,  Paul shares what quarterbacks are in each of his tiers amd how he has them ranked inside of the tiers.

Paul concludes the episode by discussing what quarterbacks could be tier jumpers during the rest of the pre draft process.

To purchase the S2S Premium Notebooks for $9.99 or to read the full descriptions of what is in each notebooks, click here.


Paul Perdichizzi (@paulie23ny)

Jeff Abercrombie (@theSofascout)

Editor: David Nakano (@KawikaNakano)

Website: Saturday2SundayFootball (@s2sfootball)

