Dragon Age: Inquisition Part 7 - Hot Butt Office
FEB 26
Description Community

Square Roots - Episode 402
Finally, truly, we are in the age of Dragons. And we've really finished Dragon Age: Inquisition. Sure, we rolled credits last episode, but this one has Super Credits, with extra special Cassandra narration! Plus we may or may not lose a fan favourite character in this chunker, depending on your choices.
- No Spiders Man or Lasts of Us
- Senshi Upskirt Shots
- Weird Christopher Eccleston Hate
- Passing Notes in Class
- Invernerable Draygons

This Week: We Finish Trespasser
Next Week:  We finish Chapter V in Bayonetta

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Thanks to Steven Morris for his awesome theme! You can find him at: https://twitter.com/BeigeOnBeige and https://www.youtube.com/user/morrissteven

Contact Square Roots!
Twitter: @squarerootspod
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Email: squarerootspodcast (at) gmail (dort) com
