Fallout: New Vegas Part 9 - He Died Doing What He Loved
OCT 30, 2023
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Square Roots - Episode 387
We did it! We finished Fallout: New Vegas! Matthew fades in and out of consciousness throughout this epic journey, but in this chunker we play through the DLC "Lonesome Road" as well as finishing the main campaign! There's radio negging, stopping (or helping) an assassination, nuclear whoopsies, and maybe even a robot throwing someone off of a tower!
- Grandma Dry Eyes
- Vault Suit Barbie
- Wizards of the Coast's Basement
- A Thoughtful Discussion of Patriotism (Derogatory)
- Robots Can't Feel Pain
- You're Just A Bunch of Meat and Goop! 

This Week: We finish Fallout: New Vegas!
Next Week:  We retrieve the sand crystal in Final Fantasy IV!

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Thanks to Steven Morris for his awesome theme! You can find him at: https://twitter.com/BeigeOnBeige and https://www.youtube.com/user/morrissteven

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