We're running our swimming during covid in a small 4 lane indoor pool.
- Fans
- Open doors
- 7 at a time
- 2 in each lane on opposite ends.
- 1 in the ada staircase lane.
- 1 coach; now 2 coaches
- 2 lifeguards
- Line up outside and walk them in with a coach chaperone
- They have their own 6 ft distant places for stuff.
- Come in their suits
- Come wearing masks
- Coaches wear masks throughout the practice
- Write practices in advance on website.
- Use TV screen with Fire and internet to show.
- Practice format:
- Philosophy:
- Moving
- Self guided
- On rest intervals
- Aerobic conditioning
- Challenging fun
- Socializing from a distance
- Warmup
- Swim, Kick
- Challenges
- End. Walk out a separate exit like a one way street.
- Repeat hour after hour.
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