Episode 62: Enrique Galindo: Collaborating and Leadership in Mathematics Education
APR 20, 2022
Description Community
Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Enrique Galindo, president elect of AMTE, as he shares his advice and expertise in being a mathematics teacher educator, both in co-creating research projects, co-creating professional development with teachers, and assuming leadership roles in mathematics education.
Links from the episode
Project-Based Learning in Elementary Classrooms: Making Mathematics Come Alive By Jean S. Lee and Enrique Galindo
Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships: Making Mathematics Come Alive with Project-Based Learning By Jean S. Lee and Enrique Galindo (https://www.nctm.org/Store/Products/Rigor,-Relevance,-and-Relationships--Making-Mathematics-Come-Alive-with-Project-Based-Learning/)
Amador, J. M. & Galindo, E. (2021). Mathematics field experience design: The role of teaching experiments and lesson study one year later during student teaching, The Teacher Educator, 56(2), 132-152.
Park Rogers, M., Carter, I., Amador, J., Galindo, E., & Akerson, V. (2020). Adapting a model of preservice teacher professional development for use in other contexts: Lessons learned and recommendations. Innovations in
Science Teacher Education, 5(1). Retrieved from https://innovations.theaste.org/adapting-a-model-of-preserviceteacher-professional-development-for-use-in-other-contexts-lessonslearned-and-recommendations/
AMTE Elections, Leadership, and Volunteering
Call for Nominations for Board Member-At-Large and Secretary (https://amte.net/content/amte-election-2022-0)
Call for Applications for Vice-President for Professional Learning and Vice-President for Membership (https://amte.net/news/2022/call-VP-nominations)
Call for AMTE Elementary Mathematics Specialist Task Force (https://amte.net/news/2022/03/call-amte-elementary-mathematics-specialist-task-force)
AMTE Volunteer Form (https://amte.net/form/volunteer)
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Illuminations (https://illuminations.nctm.org/)
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (https://www.nctm.org/Standards-and-Positions/Principles-and-Standards/)
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (https://pubs.nctm.org/view/journals/jrme/jrme-overview.xml)
Mathematics Teacher Educator (MTE) Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/)
TMT Podcast Virtual Suggestion Box (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflSk_-4AvHf0K5Zr9inSynd0pHdF86kx90OLFpl03RvEUaow/viewform) Special Guest: Enrique Galindo.