177: Understanding Trauma in the Coaching Space
FEB 12
Description Community

Kate Brassington, trauma-informed coach, joins host Maxine Bell, to challenge the misconception that clients with trauma would not be present in a coaching session. Kate shares what coaches can do to become more trauma-aware and trauma-informed, to better serve clients and create a safe coaching environment. Learn the difference between PTSD and complex PTSD, the importance of staying present and curious in coaching, and the implications for ethical and safe practice. Kate tackles the fears and anxiety surrounding this topic and encourages coaches to seek supervision, and to continue educating themselves on trauma-informed practices.


You will learn:


·       What trauma is and what trauma isn’t

·       The need for coaches to be trauma-informed and the value of mental health first aid training

·       Tips and ideas on how to look after yourself and your client


“A trauma-informed world is good for everyone. It’s a kinder, better place for everyone.”


For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit: 




·       WhatsApp Global Resources for Suicide Prevention

·       Samaritans UK: Tel: 116 113 – Emergency helpline and suicide support

·       Samaritans Ireland  Tel: 116 123

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