Best Animated Horror Shorts (1929-1953) with Branson Reese
APR 01, 2024
Description Community

Original Patreon Description: Branson Reese (Swanboy, Rude Tales of Magic) is back and we're talking about the original idea for his BLHHiP episode... a journey through animation history with 13 of his favorite horror influenced shorts from Disney, Warner Brothers, the Fleischer brothers and beyond!

This jam-packed, Ernie Hudson-themed episode sees us talking about influencing everyone from Alfred Hitchcock to John Waters, getting the boys together to see The Old Mill, the reference danger point of red skeletons, and the importance of unimportant art! Don't miss out!

FROM THE CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT: I accidentally called Lawyer Goodwill a double Jekyll when he is in fact a double Mr. Hyde. 

SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL: I've assembled a playlist with several of the shorts discussed on Youtube. The rest are easily findable on dailymotion and vimeo through google.
