The Expat Files 3.22.24
MAR 22
Description Community
#1- On the ground Latin American Seminar report:
Boots on the ground stories…
#2- The "deported" illegal alien “call center” connection:
#3- What happens when gringo “wannabees” and their wives (or husbands) are NOT ON THE SAME PAGE:
#4- The Expat - Bitcoin connection:
#5- Explosive new Covidiot vax revelations:  
#6- A Latin American healthcare insurance update:

#7- Gringos and genuine “selfless” acts of kindness:

#8- Our own Expat Captain Mango has developed a unique one-on-one Crypto consulting and training service (he’s been deep into crypto since 2013). To get started, email him at: 


#9- Be sure to pick up my newly updated, "LATIN AMERICAN HEALTHCARE REPORT":


The new edition for 2024 (and beyond) is available now, including the latest "Stem Cell Clinic" info and data and my top picks for the best treatment centers for expats and gringos. Just go to                               
