2023 Wrap - What we are looking forward to in 2024, plus all from this week in golf. | THE MLOG PODCAST EP271
DEC 21, 2023
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2023 WRAP

What a year in golf.


Really when you sit back and think of the global golf landscape and how it continues to evolve, 2023 will most likely be one of the more controversial years we have seen in the modern era.

For the Podcast, we have also had our ups and downs and highs and lows. However, one thing is for sure we have made every effort to consistently deliver our very own style of show week in and week out.

We know that's not for everyone, but if you are one of the many loyal MLOG'rs around the country and globe, we appreciate you. We do this out of love, there is no income or sponsors, and we like that. We understand that there are now literally dozens of podcasts to listen to and we are proud to have stood the test of time at 271 Eps. Stats suggest that most podcasts don't make it past 20. We weren't even out of the Nissan then...hahaha

2024 is going to be another year of podcasting. One thing we can promise you is that the MLOG podcast will be somewhat different. It might take a few months to evolve, but we are committed to building and improving.


To all of you again thanks. Please have a safe and enjoyable Holiday and Christmas Season.


We thank you.


Ross and Scott

