Deliverance from Demons Still Happens Today...Even, in the Church! (
MAR 24, 2024
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Join Reverend Bernie Dorsey as he shares and testifies of the mighty work of God in our day and age to set the captive free. "In my name, they will cast out demons." This is something that honestly, we really should see more of as believers. We should see more deliverance, because it's actually the first thing Jesus says will be one of the signs that follow those who believe that in his name, demons will be cast out. And so that, that kind of gets me wondering why don't we see it here very often? It does happen in America but not nearly as much as I think we've seen it in parts of East Africa and some other parts of the world. The church seems to, in so many ways be irrelevant in the realm of power anymore.

Why are we not seeing miracles happen? When's the last time most churches saw a miracle? When's the last time most churches saw God demonstrate His power over darkness right in front of their eyes, right? If we believe that Jesus is who He says He is then the word is saying that one of the signs that follow would be this kind of sign. And think that we should be walking in a little more expectation of seeing God demonstrate his power over darkness. It's something that we should look with expectation for him to do. Just like we look for healing miracles, just like we look for other things. Deliverance is something that, as believers, I think we should expect to see.

"And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen." - Mark 16:20




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