ImpACT-Mental Health

Sue O'Callaghan & Joanne Webb


A podcast designed to inspire and challenge listeners through story, experience and insight - to face adversity, learn from suffering and discover how to embrace life with a heart filled with love and gratitude.

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103 episodes

HELP - My Teenager is Anxious with Dr Angharad Candlin

On this episode, Jo and Sue are joined by registered psychologist, Dr Angharad Candlin.  Angharad has over 30 years experience dealing with families and children, and happily shares her views on 'post covid school phobia', anxiety, depression and improving our overall mental health.    Do you have a child who is suffering from anxiety or depression, and just don't know what to do? Are you aware that displaying symptoms of depression or anxiety does not actually mean a diagnoses of depression or anxiety?   Join Jo, Sue and Angharad as they discuss; What parents/caregivers can do to help children deal with their experiences, emotions and feelings - and what not to do! Brain health and the simple things we can do to help this amazing organ to be its very best The physical and emotional symptoms of depression and anxiety Easy tools and strategies to implement for improved mental health.   In 2020, Jo and Sue published their first book together. HATE MYSELF HATE MY LIFE - A Teenage Guide to finding Self-Confidence and Inner-Love.  HATE MYSELF HATE MY LIFE is in over half the high schools in New Zealand and is being used by parents, educators, counsellors and teens around the world.  To purchase your copy, please visit  or your favourite online book distributor. 

Mar 10, 2022
3-Tips for a Mental Health Upgrade with Kath Koschel

Kath Koschel has proven time and time again just how resilient she is. As a young girl, all Kath wanted to do was play cricket. Kath trained hard and got to the top of her game to play professionally for New South Wales. But after only four games, Kath broke her back and wound up in rehab with a diagnosis of paralysis.  How does one so young deal with such a devastating blow?? Energetic, determined and gritty, Kath thought, 'bugger that' and taught herself to walk again. Sadly after beating her diagnosis of paralysis and learning to walk again, Kath's life came crashing down again when she lost her partner to suicide. Kath has experienced many other adversities; people have often said to her, "I could not have coped and got through the things you have suffered" Kath's doesn't believe this for a second; she thinks anyone can get through anything.  Kath relies on three tools, to help her tackle life and look after her mental health.  Kath, an active mental health advocate, is the founder of Kindness Factory, a global not for profit organisation and movement which inspires ordinary people to do extraordinary things.  Tune in to listen to another fab, engaging and inspiring episode of - Join Jo, Sue and Kath as they chat, facing adversity, 'Resilience' - what it is, do we all have it, can it be learned? And Kath's 3-top tips for upgrading our mental health that we can all easily implement in our life.  Find out more about Kath's beautiful soul goal at  

Sep 30, 2021
Building Resilience for the Teen Years! with Jo and Sue

We are living in uncertain times - learning Resilience is more important now than ever before.  ARE YOU A PARENT OR CAREGIVER OF YOUNG CHILDREN WHO IS DREADING THE IMPENDING TEEN YEARS AHEAD? WOULD YOU LIKE TO PREPARE NOW FOR THE TEEN YEARS, SO YOU AND YOUR CHILD HAVE GOOD FOUNDATIONAL LIFE SKILLS TO COPE WITH UPCOMING EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL CHANGES? WOULD YOU LIKE TO UNDERSTAND THE ROLE OF RESILIENCE AND HOW IT CAN HELP YOUR CHILDREN NAVIGATE LIFE? There's no doubt about it, parenting is tough, and it would be lovely if it came with a step by step guide book on how the heck to do it.  Join Jo and Sue from and authors of , as they discuss one of their favourite topics - Resilience, and specifically, building resilience for the teen years.  What is Resilience?, why it is important?, and how we can help our children learn and develop it so they have skills to and mindset to help them get through challenges, disappointments and adversities of life? After all, adversity doesn't discriminate. Pain and failures will come our way and we all need techniques and strategies in our toolbox to survive and thrive.  It takes a village to raise a child.  The more knowledge we have the better we can be.   To each and every parent, caregiver, and educator - well done, you're doing a great job!  

Aug 27, 2021
Achieving the Unachievable with Cam Calkoen

What obstacles prevent you from living a fulfilled life? What excuses are you making? What is stopping you from achieving the 'perceived' unachievable? Tune in to this high energy episode to be inspired and blown away by Cam Calkoen (2020 Speaker of the Year - National Speakers Association of New Zealand) Cam is not one to let anything hold him back. Doctors said he would never be able to talk or run at a very high level - Cam decided otherwise!!! Errrrrmmmmmm, speaker of the year and full-time ex-athlete who has climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro???!!!! - nope, Cam has certainly not allowed Cerebral Palsy to stop him from doing the 'perceived' unachievable. Cam is an inspiration who chooses the direction of his life, sets targets and likes to smash goals. Cam's positive energy is addictive! Join Jo, Sue and Cam as they discuss the importance of dreams, the advantages of thinking outside the box, the ability to push through our comfort zones and an egg & spoon race!!! "Dream big, achieve more." ~Cam Calkoen~ Find Cam at  

Jul 17, 2021
Loss, Faith & Inspiration with Dean Payn

How do you deal with the loss of a loved one? What is your coping mechanism? What gets you through life's tough times? Dean Payn has a bright smile, a warm personality and a big heart. But we know behind every happy face there lies a story. Dean is an Entrepreneur, Visionary and the founder of The Crate flexible office space. The Crate is a shared working community hub for an assortment of businesses; it is open, bright, friendly, nurturing, supportive and inclusive - all of which genuinely epitomises Dean himself.  Aged 15, Dean lost his brother who happened to be his best buddy, in a tragic accident. How does one so young, cope and live through something so huge?? Dean may have been labelled 'the eternal optimist', but does this come naturally to him or is it a conscious decision? What are the warning signs we need to notice to keep ourselves in tip top health, both physically and mentally? What is a legacy and do we have to die to leave one? Join Jo, Sue and Dean as they chat Faith, Loss and Inspiration. Listen in to hear Dean open his heart and share his story of tragedy, and how it has helped mould his life.  

Jun 08, 2021
Living with an Eating Disorder with Poppy Wortman

Are you living with an eating disorder? Do you feel lonely and isolated? Do you know someone with an eating disorder and can't understand how they feel or what they are going through? Are you struggling with your mental health and the need to be in control? Then this is a must listen to episode for you!! Poppy Wortman; yoga teacher, celebrant and author of 'The tale of Poppy and Ed' is brave and courageous as she shares with us what it is really like to live with an Eating Disorder. 'The tale of Poppy and Ed' started as a blog while travelling, intending to help her mum understand her relationship with Ed, but soon turned into her first self-penned book about her own experience of living with an eating disorder for 20 years. Ed was once poppy's entire life, controlling her every thought, action and feeling. For 20 years Poppy's self-worth was attached to weight and shape. Now a yoga teacher who is at peace with who she is, listen in to hear all about her journey from pain to peace.  Join Jo, Sue and Poppy as they talk about the myths of eating disorders, the stigmas and shame attached to behaviours, and the embarrassment and humiliation victims carry. To connect with Poppy you can find her on or Instagram: poppyrosewort To read more about HATE MYSELF HATE MY LIFE -

Mar 18, 2021
Overcoming Worry with Jo and Sue

Jo and Sue, co-founders of ImpACT-Mental Health and co-hosts of Pods with Posh and Pool, are passionate about raising awareness of mental health and providing tools, techniques and strategies to help survive and thrive in the world in which we find ourselves.   In this episode Sue and Jo delve into the topic of Worry! Let's face it, most of us have things in our life that cause us concern. Relationships, family, friends, work, money, health and much much more. We can either worry about them or not, and some people will worry more than others. This is all normal, however there are practices that we can include in our life to help us deal with our various worries. Are you a born worrier? Do your worries keep you up at night? Is worrying making you anxious or sick? Does worrying about one thing lead into worrying about many things? Do you worry about situations or scenarios that may never happen?  Worrying - Is it necessary? Should it be avoided? Is there a time and place to worry?  What can we do to help ourselves and our situation when our worries take hold? How does our brain deal with worry and what are the effects of spiralling worries? What things can we introduce into our lives to help us deal with worrying? Join Jo and Sue as they talk about Worry, and all it entails.  According to the English proverb - 'Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere'

Mar 02, 2021
Understanding Compassion with Jo and Sue

Sue and Jo, resilience based educators and co-founders of ImpACT-Mental Health believe COMPASSION and KINDNESS are the foundations on which we should build our lives. As humans we all make mistakes, we all experience pain and we all fail at times, but how do we deal with these situations? It's all too easy to fall into the pit of self-criticism and self-sabotage, and to reprimand and punish ourselves rather than extending the hand of kindness and compassion. COMPASSION - to recognise the suffering of others and then take action to help, a tangible expression of love for those who are suffering. SELF-COMPASSION - being warm and understanding towards ourselves in times of perceived inadequacy, failure or suffering. How do we practice Compassion and Self-Compassion? What stops us from being Compassionate? When we can't find Compassion and the lessons within? Join Jo and Sue as they chat about healing, grieving, jealousy, coming out of ego, being non judgemental and the benefits compassion brings to ourselves and everyone around us. Love, light and hearts filled with sunshine!!!

Feb 23, 2021
How do we find FREEDOM? with Jo and Sue

Jo and Sue, co-hosts of Pods with Posh and Pool and co-founders of ImpACT-Mental Health dive in to the juicy topic of Freedom. ' - .' Are you truly free? Do you act, speak and think in a way that is in line with your values, your soul, and with your heart? Do you live authentically or are you tied down by societal expectations, or the expectations of others? Are you aware of your identity or are you lost and trying to find yourself? Join Jo and Sue as they talk enlightenment, feelings, finding our true selves, and the elusive search for happiness. Freedom - what does it really mean, and how it can be achieved? Tune in to find out! A great episode full of Jo & Sue's usual delight and insight. Love, light & peace    

Feb 17, 2021
HELP Coaching Series - Life after a marriage breakup

Welcome to Pods with Posh and Pool Coaching Series - on this episode you will hear a coaching session between Sue, Jo and another brave client who is struggling after a marriage break up. Now in his early 50's, with 2 sons aged 17 and 21 his wife has recently left. He is feeling lost, hurt, and depressed, and wants some tools and strategies to help him cope and move forward. Relationship break ups are hard and they hurt. We are left with feelings and emotions that throw us off balance. There is no rule book for life, hence why most people struggle.  Join us and our guest as we talk break ups, doing things to help you through the tough times, and moving forward. Coaching sessions with Sue and Jo can be booked by emailing them on Love, light and peace

Jan 27, 2021
HELP Coaching Series - I want my husband to change!

Welcome to Pods with Posh and Pool Coaching Series - on this episode you will hear a coaching session between Jo, Sue and a very brave client who is having issues in her marriage.  After being married for many years to her second husband, our guest is feeling frustrated, hurt, unheard and angry at the lack of attention from her husband. She doesn't want to leave but can't really see how she can continue living the life she is. She needs love, attention, pleasant conversation and some lovely companionship. She also carries the grief of losing her mother, father and siblings and trauma from when her first marriage came to an end after her first husband had an affair and left.  Adversity doesn't discriminate - pain and suffering is an innate part of life. If we take the steps and look after ourselves we can heal and come to a place of peace.  Join us and our courageous guest as she talks openly and honestly about her feelings, her situation and her despair. And listen to the tips and tools that help her on her journey to a more stable and secure emotional place.  Coaching sessions with Jo and Sue can be booked by emailing them on Love, light & peace

Jan 26, 2021
Facing Cancer with Optimism and Humour with David Downs

David Downs, author of 'A Mild Touch of the Cancer', joins Jo and Sue on this inspiring episode. Back in 2017, David was living an ordinary life in a regular neighbourhood with his wife and three boys. Life changed drastically overnight when after a month-long battle, with what David thought was a touch of the 'mild flu', was indeed diagnosed as a significant dose of cancer. David immediately started on his treatment plan with a large dose of optimism, but along the way, listened to his odds of survival drop from 80%, to 25% to then just 5%. And when all treatments were exhausted in NZ, he had the opportunity to travel to America to be part of a CAR T-cell therapy trial - which thankfully, was a huge success. Cancer is a scary diagnosis for anyone, and often people go through the stages of the SARAH model, Shock, Anger, Resistance, Acceptance, then Hope/Healing. David believes the 'C' word is not a taboo and should not to be whispered, therefore he talks 'loudly' and 'proudly' of Cancer. Join Jo, Sue and David as they chat mindset and techniques to  help face and get through the challenging and darkest of moments. David shares his 3 step self-warming technique that involves Anticipation, Realisation and Reflection - a tool we can all use to enhance our everyday lives. Find David on Love, Light and Peace

Dec 07, 2020
'SUNRISE' - Addressing Teen Mental Health - TeenPODS with Josh Downs

Welcome to TeenPODS - a podcast series designed to ignite and inspire teens and those in their twenties; addressing topical issues and impACTing Mental Health. Josh Downs is one of four young writers who have written the play 'SUNRISE'. 'SUNRISE' addresses the challenges of four teens who share the perils of dealing with mental health in a group therapy session.  Josh found himself facing feelings of anxiety and was shocked at the sudden onset, as it seemed to come from nowhere and was unexplainable. Josh is open and honest and shares how he suffered panic attacks and other various physical symptoms.  Naming his anxiety 'Pablo' was a winning technique for Josh, as it took away the power of the anxiety and allowed Josh to feel more in control. It also made it easier to talk about to his friends and family - "oh yes, Pablo is playing up today"  Mental Health is close to Josh's heart, and along with the other writers they found an outlet to highlight various issues that our teens are currently dealing with.  'SUNRISE' is a textured, powerful and beautiful play that deals with complex emotional issues including social isolation, parental bullying, perfectionism, anxiety, insomnia, paranoia, beautiful hearts and thoughtful sharing.  An insightful episode that will resonate with many teens and adults alike. Join Jo, Sue and Josh as they chat mental health. Love, Light and Peace

Nov 17, 2020
Transitioning through Stress, Overwhelm and Depression with Lance Burdett

Lance Burdett - Consultant, Coach and owner of WARN International ( was a crisis negotiator and instructor for the New Zealand Police for 13 years, specialising in suicide intervention. In 1999 Lance hit burnout, was suffering depression and had suicidal thoughts. How could he continue to help others when he himself was lost and broken? Lance needed to stop and embarked on a journey of discovery. He learnt how to look after himself, find balance and learnt tools and techniques to deal with worry and life. Now Lance uses his expertise, learning and experience to guide teams through recruitment, training, professional development, motivation and welfare support. An inspirational and thought provoking speaker, Lance certainly has some great stories, knowledge and experience to share.  Join Sue, Jo and Lance as they discuss depression, learning to look after yourself, doing what is right for you, finding balance, neural pathways, being a role model, lists and dealing with worry.  Love, light and peace always.

Nov 03, 2020
Challenging Mindsets and Embracing Change to Achieve Results with Sean Gordon

Sean Gordon served 18 years as a principal of schools in NSW and QLD, shares the parenting of 4 children aged 19-25, spent many years as a rescue volunteer and founded SchoolAid - a national charity "empowering young philanthropists" that uses "giving" as a tool to combat the rising incidence of youth suicide, depression and anxiety. Sean believes in the ability of young people to achieve if provided with the right environment and tools. SchoolAid has involved over 60% of Australian schools, and has raised approximately $5.5 million for causes around the world.  Excelling as a Keynote speaker and coach, Sean's passion is helping people get their best work in to the world by challenging mindsets, embracing change, creating culture and taking committed action to achieve results. Join Jo, Sue and Sean as they discuss challenging limiting beliefs, the power of philanthropy and strategies that transform behaviour.  Find Sean on Love, light and peace

Oct 28, 2020
FORGIVENESS - The Tool for Freedom with Jo and Sue

Jo and Sue, co-hosts of Pods with Posh and Pool and co-founders of ImpACT-Mental Health are advocates for practicing FORGIVENESS, and believe FORGIVENESS is the tool for freedom and thriving in life. On this episode they discuss: What are the benefits of forgiveness? Why do we forgive? Who can we forgive? How do we forgive? And what effect forgiveness has on our mind, body and spirit? Jo and Sue share their own experience of forgiveness and share the inspirational stories of others. This is an essential listen that will help many people. Please listen, like and share this episode, and leave a 5* review on your podcast app. Love, light and peace

Oct 20, 2020
Living Life after a Near Death Experience with Kirsty Salisbury

On this amazing episode we are talking Near Dear Experience with the host of the 'Let's talk life design' podcast - Kirsty Salisbury. Kirsty is a firm believer that we can all 'design' our future regardless of our circumstances. Her passion comes from her traumatic life-changing event when aged 12 she was left paralysed on her left side due to a rare brain malformation. It turned her world upside down. Even at such a young age, Kirsty decided that this major life event would never define or limit her, and she would in fact 'thrive'. And there, started what she calls 'her second life', one in which she aims to live consciously, filled with purpose and gratitude. During her recovery, Kirsty learnt to walk again, how to move her arm, then how to skip, then jump, and now the sky is the limit. Whilst every single day, she is reminded of her journey, she is truly grateful for her experience and continues to use the lessons she has learnt to push life's boundaries. Kirsty is a speaker, podcaster and coach, who works with her clients on eliminating regret, living on purpose and removing the fear of death. She believes that whilst hardship can be excruciating and challenging; it can also be 'a gift' and something to help us take our life to the next level. Join Jo, Sue and Kirsty as they discuss addressing and recovering from grief, pain and loss, by facing the dark moments, dealing with negative thoughts, and acknowledging the feelings. Find Kirsty on:  

Oct 08, 2020
How do we recognise and address SHAME with Jo and Sue

Jo and Sue, co-host of Pods with Posh and Pool and co-founders of ImpACT Mental Health are advocates for acknowledging SHAME, addressing it, unpacking it and dealing with it head on. On this episode they discuss: What is shame? What is the difference between guilt and shame? How does shame affect us? What are the consequences if we do not deal with shame? This is an essential listen that will help many people. Please listen, like and share, and leave a 5*review on your podcast app.  In the words of the amazing Brené Brown - '    

Sep 30, 2020
How do we actually love ourselves? with Jo and Sue

Both Jo and Sue are passionate about self-love, self-care, building resilience, having healthy relationships with healthy boundaries and practicing clear communication.  Having co-founded ImpACT Mental Health - Jo and Sue believe finding self-love, self-compassion and inner-peace is the foundation for improving our mental health. How do we actually love ourselves? What are the steps to achieve self-love? Why do we need to love ourselves and how does it affect our life? So why not grab yourself a cuppa and join Jo and Sue as they discuss the big question of 'How do we actually love ourselves?' with their delightful personal insights, fun chatter and loving words of wisdom.

Sep 23, 2020
Positive Body Image and Intuitive Eating - TeenPODS with Sarah Menlove

Welcome to TeenPODS - a podcast series designed to ignite and inspire teens and those in their twenties; addressing topical issues and impACTing Mental Health. Sarah Menlove was a New Zealand age-group representative triathlete and Personal Trainer who pushed her physical health to the extreme. With an obsession with weight, comparing her body shape to others along with highly restrictive eating patterns, this led to the loss of her period for over four years, and eventually a stress fracture in 2016. It was at this crucial time that Sarah needed to reassess, and hence she began the process to heal her body, mind and soul; to regain her period and to have a healthy relationship with food and her body. Sarah now works as a Body Image and Intuitive Eating Coach - helping other women heal and realise that they are way more than a 'body'. Join Jo and Sue as they chat with Sarah and learn all about her journey to health and a place of contentment and self-love. * Find Sarah on  * Instagram: * * Facebook: * * Website: * *   * Resource list as mentioned in the episode * * Resource list: *

Sep 16, 2020
Life after the Destruction of the Narcissist - with Kaleah LaRoche

Thousands of relationships, individuals and business are affected by Narcissists and their destructive behaviour. HAS YOUR LIFE BEEN AFFECTED BY A NARCISSIST? If so, this is a must 'listen-to' episode! Kaleah LaRoche is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Counsellor, Podcast host of 'Pandora's Box', Musician and Author. Just like Jo and Sue, Kaleah had her life turned upside down as the result of narcissistic abuse, she now dedicates her time to helping others that are affected by narcissism. Kaleah has released E-books and books, 'Spiritual Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse', 'Narcissism The Web of illusion', 'Rebirth; Traversing the Dark Night of the Soul' and 'Healing Narcissistic Abuse and Finding the True Self'. Join Jo, Sue and Kaleah as they chat about the signs, the triggers, the patterns, and the behaviours of the narcissist and what you can do to help yourself, whether you are still in a relationship with a narcissist or if you have left and want to cut ties and move on. This episode is full of nuggets of information that will help many people, please share it with anyone who you think might need some hope and encouragement. Jo, Sue and Kaleah know that Narcissists are champions of stripping away self-esteem, self-worth and self-respect. But we also know that there is life after being with a narcissist. Kaleah offers information, books, blogs, an online support group, counselling services by phone and long-distance recovery sessions - all information can be found at WWW.NARCISSISMFREE.COM  

Aug 17, 2020
Dealing with Rape and Trauma with Clare Williamson

On this episode we are joined by Clare Williamson ( Clare, now in her 30's, pregnant with her third child, is glowing, radiant and vivacious. Yet 14 years ago she was raped while travelling around South America after being drugged, and for the following decade this affected every aspect of her life.   At times life-changing events happen to us, and the pain and trauma are so scary that we bury it deep within us. But what are the consequences of this? Can we mask the pain and indeed be who we are here to be? WARNING!!! When we bury things deep, they tend to manifest themselves in various ways.  Upon returning home, Clare planned to seek help, tell her parents and receive counselling; instead, she clammed up, didn't want to upset anyone and stayed quiet. Clare didn't face her pain; rather, she decided to play it safe, she threw herself into life, climbed the career ladder and lived a life that wasn't truly in line with who she was. After hitting rock bottom, Clare had a lightbulb moment and decided things needed to change - and thus began her journey of healing and regaining her power back!! Today Clare is an inspirational coach who offers her clients clarity, structure and guidance with rave reviews. Clare believes we can all heal and that we don't have to live with the pain of a life-altering ordeal like rape or abuse for ten years, five years or even a year! That we have the choice to take our power back immediately or not. Clare's tips: 1. Feel the fire of intention - make the decision to create change. 2. Be forgiving of yourself, treat yourself with kindness, love and respect 3. Create the vision of who you want to become and work towards that you. Here to tell her story and share her wisdom, we are so pleased to welcome Clare Williamson. Find Clare on her website or on Instagram cw_full_circle. With huge thanks to Clare! Love, light and peace Jo & Sue

Jul 27, 2020
Identify your Language of Love - TeenPODS with Aunty Bubbly

Welcome to TeenPODS - a podcast series designed to ignite and inspire teens and those in their twenties; addressing topical issues and impACTing Mental Health. We are here for Love and Connection, yet we are seldom taught how to love or how to receive love. Instead, we muddle through relationships expecting others to fulfil our needs and desires.  On this episode the amazing Aunty Bubbly, a feminine guru, delves into The 5 Love Languages. We all fall into one or several of them. Listen to discover your language of love Is it, Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service or maybe Gifts?? The more we learn about ourselves the more empowered we become.  By discovering your love language, you will not only understand yourself on a deeper level, but you can inject this knowledge into all your relationships. Join Jo, Sue and Beverley as they chat, laugh and educate. With much love always Sue and Jo 

Jul 21, 2020
The Grief of losing our 3 Precious Triplets with Jane Weekes

* How do we survive such suffering and loss? *   * Losing a child is known to be one of the worst forms of suffering in life. The pain involved in losing three children at once is incomprehensible, but it is the tragic story of Jane and Martin weeks who lost their triplets in 2012,  aged two, in a fire in a shopping mall in Quarter. *   * Their courage and bravery to endure such loss is remarkable, as they faced the shock and horror in a country that wasn't their home. In addition as their world turned upside down, they had to endure national and international news reporters, social media - as well as the trauma - of injustice and negligence. Remarkably to this day they have never received an apology. *   * Join us on our podcast as Jane shares her day by day journey of survival, her courage to be vulnerable, a discussion on forgiveness and her remarkable insight and wisdom that she shares with others who have suffered the loss of a child. *   * With huge thanks and gratitude to Jane. *   * Love, light and peace *   * Sue & Jo 

Jul 13, 2020
Raising my Boys after the loss of my Wife - ManPODS with Will Staples

Welcome to ManPODS - a podcast series to connect and inspire men. Addressing topical issues and quashing the stigma that men shouldn't cry, men can't talk about their feelings and men won't be vulnerable - because we all need help, we all need support, and you are not alone. Together we will positively impact mental health. * How do we face loss when someone we love dearly passes away? *   * How do we cope with our emotions and feelings when we feel crippled with grief? *   * How do we carry on when we know our world has ended? *   * Will Staples lost his wife after a three month battle with cancer. He was left as the sole carer of two young boys who had lost their mum and found himself in a place in life that the had never expected to be in. *   * Join us  as we discuss with Will his journey through dark times, his vulnerability in admitting pain, and his honesty in reminding us that there is no given formula - or text book rule to follow when life hits us hard. *   * Will’s story is a moving account of one mans struggle to cope and raises issues which many of us face today - what happens when life doesn't go to plan and you lose the love of your life? *   * With huge thanks to Will *   * Love, light & peace *   * Jo & Sue

Jul 06, 2020
The Journey to the Inner Self - ManPODS with Mark Mandeno

Welcome to ManPODS - a podcast series to connect and inspire men. Addressing topical issues and quashing the stigma that men shouldn't cry, men can't talk about their feelings and men won't be vulnerable - because we all need help, we all need support, and you are not alone. Together we will positively impact mental health. On this episode we are thrilled to have with us, Mark Mandeno, the owner and director of Adventure Works - an outdoor education centre. While teaching his kids to surf in 2015, Mark fell off a surfboard into shallow water and received a spinal cord injury. Losing the use of 85% of his body, Mark has travelled an incredible INWARD journey to discover his purpose and identity - seperate from the outward journey that has previously directed his life. What does suffering and pain look like? How do the thoughts in our head direct the outcome of our life? How can we possibly master those thoughts and then change them, so that we can not only survive adversity and conflict, but learn to live fully whole and free lives, removing constraint and lack? Jo and Sue chat with Mark and learn about his profound inward journey. Mark has much to teach us all, on our search for truth, compassion, gentleness and ultimately love.  With huge thanks and gratitude to Mark Mandeno at

Jun 29, 2020
Understanding Healthy Love - TeenPODS with Aunty Bubbly

Welcome to TeenPODS - a podcast series designed to ignite and inspire teens and those in their twenties; addressing topical issues and impACTing Mental Health. We are here for love and connection, everyone wants to be loved. Everyone deserves to be loved. Yet we are not taught how to give and receive love.  What does healthy love looks like? Healthy relationships are based on trust, respect, loyalty, communication, commitment, and kindness. They do not include manipulation, control or abuse. Whether friendship, parental, or romantic love - we want all our relationships to be healthy ones. Join Jo and Sue and the wonderful Aunty Bubbly, as she shares her wisdom on the juicy topic of 'Understanding Healthy Love'.  Much love Sue and Jo  

Jun 23, 2020
Jo and Sue talk Resilience

Resilience and finding coping mechanisms to deal with life's twists and turns, with Jo and Sue On this episode we ask 3 questions... How do we recover from loss?  How do we develop resilience? How do we persevere when life gets tough? Join Sue and Jo as they talk about their own relationship with Resilience, what it is to them, how they have developed it, and what they turn to when life throws all its unexpected stuff their way. As Rumi said, "What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle" Resilience is the ability to overcome extreme pain and adversity. You have survived every day up to this point, you are resilient, and resilience can be learnt.  Join us on Facebook or Instagram @Pods with Posh and Pool Much love Jo and Sue

Jun 15, 2020
Finding Oneself after leaving a Controlling Marriage with Tammie Horton

Tammie Horton is the CEO and Founder of Phynix Initiative. Tammie hit rock bottom in 2013 after experience of bullying, self-harming, domestic abuse, mental illness, caring for a partner with multiple health conditions - all while holding down a full-time job and raising three children. Tammie no longer recognised herself and knew she had to leave her abusive marriage, for her own mental health and the life of her three daughters. It was then that she figuratively set herself on fire and started her rebirth, rising from the ashes of her former life and rebuilding herself into the person she is today. Through Tammie's journey of transformation, the Phynix Initiative born, a transformational program to help others who want to make changes in their life, and to show them a different way of looking at how to create that new life for themselves. Tammie is a speaker, coach, and mental health advocate. She believes, even if you are in the darkest place of your life or you don't know what to do, things can get better. But the only way that anything changes are if things change, and this depends on you. When we come to the point of choice, we CAN choose a lighter path, and we CAN look for embers of Hope - and we need to call out to those embers. Join Sue and Jo as they chat with Tammie about living in an abusive relationship and finding the courage to leave, discovering who you are in the face of adversity and life being perfectly imperfect in each and every way. Tammie may have transformed, yet she remains honest and raw, and she is the first to admit that life is still full of struggles. Tune in to listen to Tammie's story of courage and tenacity. Love, light & Peace Jo and Sue  

Jun 10, 2020
From Prison and Pain to Personal Prosperity with Owen Pomana

Owen Pomana had a happy childhood, attended boarding school, joined the navy and then met the girl of his dreams. He thought he had found his happy ever after.  But then he was betrayed, not by just one person, but by two of the people he loved most in the world; his girlfriend and his best friend. After his life imploded, Owen's life looked very different. Rather than the idyllic happy ever after, instead, it included sleeping rough, time in the sex industry, gangster life, several stays in prison and him seriously contemplating suicide. Owen talks openly about dealing with pain and rejection, learning from the storms of life, finding a mentor and turning his suffering and life's experiences into a passion for helping others. Today Owen works tirelessly with the homeless, is determined to eradicate sex trafficking and has many projects on the go to help people from all walks of life. When he found a mentor, he also discovered his strong christian faith and every day Owen lives and breathes kindness and generosity. Join Jo and Sue as they chat with Owen, and delve into the devastating effects of broken trust and deception when you don't have the tools or skills to deal with the hurt, shame and embarrassment it causes. Find us on facebook & instagram - Pods with Posh and Pool Love & light Sue and Jo

Jun 04, 2020