Living Life after a Near Death Experience with Kirsty Salisbury
OCT 08, 2020
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On this amazing episode we are talking Near Dear Experience with the host of the 'Let's talk life design' podcast - Kirsty Salisbury.

Kirsty is a firm believer that we can all 'design' our future regardless of our circumstances.

Her passion comes from her traumatic life-changing event when aged 12 she was left paralysed on her left side due to a rare brain malformation. It turned her world upside down. Even at such a young age, Kirsty decided that this major life event would never define or limit her, and she would in fact 'thrive'. And there, started what she calls 'her second life', one in which she aims to live consciously, filled with purpose and gratitude.

During her recovery, Kirsty learnt to walk again, how to move her arm, then how to skip, then jump, and now the sky is the limit. Whilst every single day, she is reminded of her journey, she is truly grateful for her experience and continues to use the lessons she has learnt to push life's boundaries.

Kirsty is a speaker, podcaster and coach, who works with her clients on eliminating regret, living on purpose and removing the fear of death.

She believes that whilst hardship can be excruciating and challenging; it can also be 'a gift' and something to help us take our life to the next level.

Join Jo, Sue and Kirsty as they discuss addressing and recovering from grief, pain and loss, by facing the dark moments, dealing with negative thoughts, and acknowledging the feelings.

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