Future of Work: AI, Microsoft CoPilot, Kindness
NOV 02, 2023
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From the early days of social networks to the latest AI-powered tools like Microsoft Teams, let's explore the intersection of technology, culture, and productivity - and tells you what's coming next. Listen in as the co-founders of Social Media Club Chicago - Jeff Willinger, Microsoft MVP and Digital Experience Director at Withum, and Barbara Rozgonyi, a PR and digital marketing expert - take us on a journey through the changing landscape of workplace collaboration. 

Future of Work with Jeff Willinger Top Takeaways

  1. Blend of Physical and Digital Collaboration: The future workplace will seamlessly integrate in-person and online collaboration, thanks to tools like Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive.
  2. AI-Powered Productivity: AI assistants like Microsoft's Copilot can enhance productivity by automating tasks like meeting note-taking, enabling employees to focus on more substantive work.
  3. Technology Supports, Doesn't Replace People: While technology like AI can automate tasks, it's designed to support and enhance human collaboration, not replace workers.
  4. Culture Remains Crucial: No matter how advanced the technology, a supportive and inclusive workplace culture established by leadership is essential for engaging employees and unlocking their potential.
  5. The Power of Community: Creating a sense of community is crucial for employee engagement through diversity groups, community service projects, and social events.
  6. Leadership's Role in Culture: Leadership plays a pivotal role in establishing and nurturing workplace culture. Digital tools can reinforce this culture and connect distributed teams.
  7. Innovation in Collaboration Tools: Collaboration tools have evolved significantly, enabling seamless digital teamwork across different locations.
  8. AI as an Assistant, Not a Replacement: AI, such as Copilot, serves as an assistant that handles routine tasks, freeing employees to focus on more strategic and creative work.
  9. Putting People First: The success of any technology initiative hinges on putting people at the center to enhance the human experience, not overshadow it.
  10. Continuous Evolution: Workplace communication and collaboration will continue to evolve, but nurturing culture and community will always be a top priority.

Connect with Jeff Willinger on LinkedIn
Jeff Willinger at Withum

Connect with Barbara Rozgonyi on LinkedIn

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Barbara Rozgonyi
Founder, CoryWest Media, Host of Growing Social Now, International Speaker and Inspirational Storyteller, Creative Marketing Team Coach, LinkedIn Social Selling Trainer, Avid Hiker, Natural Photographer

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