PR Trends in News Consumption: New Insights from Pew Research Center
NOV 21, 2023
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Are Your PR Strategies Keeping Pace with the Digital Shift in News Consumption?

In a world where information evolves at the speed of a click, the landscape of news consumption is undergoing a seismic shift. But here's the question: Are your public relations strategies evolving with it?

In the latest episode of "Growing Social Now New" hosted by the seasoned expert in social media marketing and public relations, Barbara Rozgonyi, the spotlight is on the transformative changes in how Americans access news. 

As the digital era redefines how we consume news, Public Relations (PR) professionals find themselves at a crossroads, grappling with shifting preferences and diverse pathways for information. Listen in for ways to stay on the right path to reach the media with your messages.

Key Takeaways: Adapting Your PR Strategy for Success

  1. Digital Dominance: The data screams a clear message – digital is king. With 56% of adults now sourcing news from digital devices, it's imperative for PR strategies to align with this digital shift.
  2. Rise of Podcasts: While radio and print decline, podcasts are on the rise. Understanding this trend provides a unique avenue for PR professionals to explore new media placements.
  3. Demographic Nuances:  Understanding the preferences of different age groups, genders, and income brackets is paramount for effective PR outreach.
  4. Strategic PR Planning: In a world inundated with data, strategic planning becomes the compass for PR professionals. Rozgonyi offers her expertise to help businesses navigate the complexities, attract attention, and connect with their target communities.

More from Pew Research on the changing news trends.

Barbara Rozgonyi publishes wiredPRworks, a top 50 PR blog and is an international keynote speaker.

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Cheers to your success,

Barbara Rozgonyi
Founder, CoryWest Media, Host of Growing Social Now, International Speaker and Inspirational Storyteller, Creative Marketing Team Coach, LinkedIn Social Selling Trainer, Avid Hiker, Natural Photographer

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