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3066 episodes

The Light Gate - Q&A With Preston Dennett And Dolly Safran

The Light Gate, features a Q&A episode with your hosts, Preston Dennett and Dolly Safran, and you, the audience! Date: April 1st, 2024 Episode: 49 Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 30 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. Several of his books have been Amazon UFO bestsellers. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO Magazine, Phenomena Magazine, Mysteries Magazine, Ufologist and others. His writing has been translated into several different languages including German, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Icelandic. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including Midnight in the Desert with Art Bell, Coast-to-Coast and also the History Channel’s Deep Sea UFOs and UFO Hunters and Ancient Aliens. His research has been presented in the LA Times, the LA Daily News, the Dallas Morning News and other newspapers. He has taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures across the United States. Dolly Safran has worked as a limo driver, assistant manager at Wendy’s, a zookeeper, a bus driver, a security guard, a nurse, and more, including as a civilian worker for the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and also in the Army as an employee for the U.S. Department of Defense. Her UFO contacts began around age one, and are still ongoing today. She is a fully conscious UFO contactee and the subject of the full-length book, “Symmetry: A True UFO Adventure.” LINKS www.prestondennett.weebly.com https://www.youtube.com/@prestondennett577/featured https://www.facebook.com/preston.dennett/ https://www.youtube.com/@dollysafran9107

1h 52m
Apr 02, 2024
Horsefly Chronicles Radio Welcomes The Occult Family 4 1 24

April 1st 2024 Horsefly Chronicles Radio with Julia Siracusa and Philip Siracusa Welcome The Occult Family https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100082993346011 If you would like to be a guest on our show Please Send You're Name and Bio to our email Jpsiracusa2@yahoo.com All Intro's and Banners are done by Gwen Luckett Listening Links: http://www.uprntalkradio.com/ https://www.facebook.com/UPRNTalkRadioNetwork/ https://www.facebook.com/NewsOnTheFlipSide/ https://youtube.com/c/UFOParanormalRadioUFOParanormalRadio https://www.facebook.com/JoeMontaldoUFOUndercover https://m.soundcloud.com/tags/horsefly https://www.podbean.com/site/EpisodeDownload/PB11F8BF6ETK8S https://www.spreaker.com/user/unitedpublicradio/horsefly-chronicles-radio-with-special-g_21 https://www.facebook.com/groups/hcradio/?ref=share_group_link https://www.facebook.com/HorseflyChroniclesRadio123?mibextid=D4KYlr https://www.facebook.com/groups/282498918920706/?ref=share_group_link https://www.facebook.com/horseflychroniclescasefiles?mibextid=D4KYlr Don't forget to get into chat so we can give you a shout out and also answer all of you're Questions 👀👻 You can also watch some of our shows Streaming Live on ROKU. DON'T FORGET TO GRANT STREAMYARD PERMISSION TO SEE YOUR NAME IN CHAT. HORSEFLY CHRONICLES RADIO IS SPONSORED BY CARNATION https://www.facebook.com/CarnationMilks/ About The Guest:👇 JP is 34 and a teacher ( Head of PE) Kymmi 39 Lead therapist of the same school Snow 11 years old is able to see energy. Pebble is 7 and she is a ghost hunting princess and is developing the seeing ability too. We are a ghost hunting family who are from the UK who love all things supernatural ! We also drive a hearse and have our very own Occult room which store our hunted artefacts in. We also own a ghost hunting events company.

Apr 02, 2024
The Angel Rock

Hey My Angel Rockers!!! Please join Me Monday, April 1st/2024 from 5pm-7pmCST/6pm-8pm EST when I have My very close friends, highly requested returning & Special Guests Leigh Ann Clark & Debbie A Anderson on Tonight. Happy Easter & April Fool’s Day! Leigh Ann Clark, who is a gifted Channeller, a Crystal Expert & Akashic Records Practitioner & Debbie A. Anderson, a very Gifted Medium as well as Psychic & creator of her own multiple Oracle Decks join Me Tonight as You’ve requested; to continue the discussion about energy, portals, time lines, the magic & potential each of Us possesses & so much more! ***PLEASE NOTE THE LINKS TO WATCH LIVE ARE ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ IN THE COMMENTS **** #live #podcast #roku #youtube #Spirituality#healing #unexplained#healing #Dragon #Eclipse #AprilFools #Love #SpiritCommunication #psychic #medium #paranormal #Energy #Portal #Adventure #ghosts #Spooky

1h 38m
Apr 02, 2024
Breaking Norms Building Dreams Ep 13 Redefined Playful Marketing & Sales With Lindsay Johnson

🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🌟 Join us on April 1st for a new episode of Breaking Norms, Building Dreams! In Episode 13, we're featuring Lindsay Johnson, a powerhouse in Playful Marketing & Sales. Lindsay brings their unique energy and expertise to the table, sharing their journey from Vancouver to Toronto and how they built their business, The Radical Connector. Lindsay's approach? Confidence, bravery, and a touch of Cheeky Irreverence. They are all about ditching traditional tactics and teaching consent-based strategies that work. Plus, they're sharing their Work Less Play More action plans because life's too short to be a human battery for capitalism! Ready to stand out and build a business you love? Don't miss Lindsay's tips: ✔️ Grab their free Customer Magnet Guide ✔️ Subscribe to their YouTube channel ✔️ Check out their 8-week Irresistible Entrepreneurs Academy 🔗 Connect with Lindsay here: @radicallinds https://www.theradicalconnector.com/link-in-bio Tune in live to 107.7 and 105.3 FM in New Orleans, as we broadcast on the United Public Radio Network every Monday at 3 pm EST/2 pm CDT. Embark on an inspiring journey with Lindsay Johnson as we redefine success together in our upcoming episode this Monday!!

Apr 02, 2024
Through A Glass Darkly Radio The UFO Cover - Up With Dr John Brandenburg

Welcome to the ninth episode of Through A Glass Darkly Radio with Sean Patrick Hazlett! Our next guest will be Dr. John Brandenburg, who will present his thesis regarding the UFO cover-up. Do not miss this amazing episode. You can find more Dr. John Brandenburg interviews here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE9XS-jLGjZZc3UeL3jIEHZSKRY9ItPht&si=jh5K1njznQ0SnBNe Copyright © 2024 Through a Glass Darkly Radio with Sean Patrick Hazlett. All rights reserved

2h 3m
Apr 02, 2024
Into the Night - Random thoughts

Tonight im just going to express random thoughts , on what is happening in todays world. A little bit of Easter , and whatever pops into my mind. 3-31-2024

Apr 02, 2024
The Power Of Activism Michelle Dado - Millynn ATP Media With KAren Swain

ATP Media -Awakening Consciousness with KAren Swain Welcomes Michelle Dado-Millynn YTC: / @karenswainblissfulbeings Host: Karen Swain https://karenswain.com Date: Sunday March 31 2024 EST Episode: 5 The Power of Activism with Michelle Dado-Millynn 6 AMAZING young Australian woman set forth to make a difference in the world About our Guest: Michelle Dado-Millynn is a qualified animal nurse, who has paralleled her visual storytelling & design career with environmental and animal/wildlife rescue & care work, with advocacy & activism. She is the producer of a documentary; The Power of Activism, which shines a positive light on a group of 6 young Australian female activists, who risk it all to change the future thinking of governments and major companies. In true ‘David versus Goliath’ style, these inspirational woman, who include scientists and conservationists, challenge the thinking of out-dated practices that are contributing to climate change. The ultimate focus is on education and empowerment, proving that beyond the benefits to land and health, changing the ways we farm, fuel and build, the work of these woman has a tangible, definable economic benefit. So many documentaries talk about the problems we face in the world, leaving people feeling overwhelmed and thinking the problems are too big for one person to make a difference. Michelle wants viewers of her documentary to feel empowered in their individual ability to drive change, and to learn from everyday women, who are doing just that. thepowerofactivism.com Appreciate KAren's work Awakening Consciousness? THANK YOU for your Support for the content. Share your appreciation on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain THANK YOU for SHARING these conversations, we present them to you completely FREE with no ads! Please spread the LOVE and Wisdom and Knowledge. 💖 💜 BIG LOVE ks. Follow us on all our platforms https://linktr.ee/KArenSwain Join our Awakening Empowerment Network Facebook Group The Awakening Empowerment Network

1h 30m
Apr 02, 2024
The Thing At The Foot Of The Bed With Lorilei Potvin & David Hanzel March 28 2024

Thurs. Mar. 28th/24 Join Us, Co-Hosts Lorilei Potvin & David Hanzel, both Psychic Mediums & NDE experiencers, as we discuss & answer LIVE; Your burning questions about the strange, the unusual & the unexplained, with answers based on what we receive from Spirit as well as Our own personal life experiences! We talk about what YOU, our LIVE Audience Members, want to talk about!

1h 40m
Mar 29, 2024
Fika With Vicky - Author Brian Greiner - Discuss A Melange Of Book Topics United Public Radio

Every so often, you need to sort the thoughts in your head. Like a buzzing fly, they pick the most inconvenient times to show up and disrupt your work, day, even your well being. Author Brian Greiner has agreed to discuss some of these thoughts with me. Whether it’s problematic authors, artificial intelligence, or what Fika is, (yes, people are still asking and I love curious people) we’re going to identify and discuss them briefly, then decide whether to set them free or schedule them for  deeper conversation  in the future.  Melange was Brian’s word, but I like it. Because a melange in your mind can turn into a malaise in your body…or a melange in your mind can turn into a melody in your heart. Of course, with friends and fika, it is sure to turn into merriment, friendly debate, and off topic content.  About Brian: Brian retired from the software development rat race to take up the carefree life of an indie author. Besides writing books in various genres, he enjoys reading, gardening, baking, and tinkering in his lair. Like many authors, he enjoys experimenting with different writing tools and processes. Some call it “procrastination”, but he prefers to call it “research” and “professional development”. Brian is a firm believer in the power of napping as an essential tool in the writing process.

1h 1m
Mar 29, 2024
The Outer Realm - Ron Morehead - Bigfoot Unveiled

The Outer Realm Radio welcomes back , Ron Morehead. Hosts for this segment: Michelle Desrochers and Amelia Pisano Date: March 27th, 2024 Episode: 426 Discussion: Ron will be discussing his new book, Bigfoot Unveiled. Consciousness, Frequency, Sierra Sounds, Dogman, and so much more!!!!! Please Support Us: Like, Subscribe, Share and Comment! Thank YOU!!! About Our Guest: Ron Morehead has been known for decades for his world-wide research into the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon. He is an author, researcher, lecturer, experiencer, and producer of the Sierra Sounds. To date, he comes closer than any other researcher to having a complete body of evidence. The Sierra Sounds are the only Bigfoot recordings that have been scientifically studied, time-tested, and accredited as genuine. Ron has documented his personal interactions with these giant beings and produced his story on a CD and also in a book, “Voices in the Wilderness.” In order to try and understand the enigmas associated with these giants, he began to delve into Quantum Physics for the scientific answers that he and his hunting friends experienced, and as a result he wrote another thought-provoking book,” TheQuantum Bigfoot.” Ron now resides with his partner, Keri, in North Carolina, but has traveled from Alaska to Patagonia and from North America to Siberia in search of the truth to how these beings are able to stay so hidden from Classical science. Besides being the keynote Speaker at many conventions, he has been featured on countless radio programs and TV documentaries such as the Learning Channel and Travel Channel. About the Book: ( Borrowed From Amazon) - “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Nikola Tesla “It takes classical and quantum sciences together for clear perception.” Dr. Edgar Mitchell “Science changes one funeral at a time.” Dr. Planck, Nobel prize, 1918 As a citizen scientist with over fifty years of research into the enigmas associated with the unique giants we call Bigfoot, Ron Morehead continues to bridge the gap between the physical and the metaphysical. Some call him a legend, and some say he’s lost in the weeds. But one thing is certain: Ron is “out of the box” of restricted classical science—realistically explaining his views using modern science coupled with his many years of experience. Ron has recorded interactive events with these beings, and the data has been scientifically studied. With his decades of explorations, he’s considered one of the “greybacks” of Bigfoot research. Ron has now stepped out again, providing more answers to the many questions still hanging in the ether of our perceived reality. This book was written to give reasonable explanations, backed with scientific and historical data, to the lingering questions about these entities. Living among us now, these stealthy giants have been witnessed by thousands of people worldwide. Could these creatures be a unique relic hominid who have evolved over eons? Perhaps they are a product of DNA manipulation by higher vibrational beings from the cosmos? Whatever they are, many seem to be different from others, having different attributes. After reading this book, you’ll see why Ron is certain that some of them must have a human component, like language . . . and what that could mean to Homo sapiens sapiens. Ron is the producer of two CDs, The Sierra Sounds, Volumes 1 & 2, and the author of two books, Voices in the Wilderness and The Quantum Bigfoot. Buy The book at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Bigfoot-Unveiled-Scientific-Answers-Mysteries/dp/0998815683 WEBSITE: http://www.ronmorehead.com/ If you enjoy the content on the channel, please support us by subscribing: Thank you All A formal disclaimer: The opinions and information presented or expressed by guests on The Outer Realm Radio are not necessarily those of the TOR Hosts, Sponsors, or the United Public Radio Network and its producers. We will however always be respectful and courteous to all involved. Thank you, we appreciate you all!

1h 49m
Mar 28, 2024
UFO Undercover Alien Abduction What Are They And Who Knows More The Government Or The Researcher S

UFO Undercover Alien Abduction What Are They And Who Knows More The Government Or The Researcher S

2h 3m
Mar 28, 2024
SOR Dec 27 23 Ufo Stories Of 2023 With Preston Dennett And Dolly Safran

SOR Dec 27 23 Ufo Stories Of 2023 With Preston Dennett And Dolly Safran

3h 6m
Mar 28, 2024
Becoming Quantum Conscious With Bart Sharp Episode 66 Wednesday 3 - 27 - 2024 2PM CST

P.J. Loftus Author of “The Inner Solar System” Being Amazing, The New Normal

Mar 28, 2024

Science and ParaNormal  Date. 03.26.2024 Ep. 21 Topic: PARANORMAL INVESTIGATIONS, TELEVISION AND MEDIUMSHIP Guest: Kim Moser Guest Bio: Kim Moser is an inspiring figure in the realm of paranormal research and folklore. Her journey in the paranormal field is deeply rooted in the inspiration drawn from the late Nova Scotian folklorist, Helen Creighton. Kim ventured into the world of paranormal storytelling through her podcast, “Boos and Bourbon,” where she shares intriguing and eerie tales. This endeavor led to her becoming an investigator, co-host, and because of her dedication and talent, a promotion to Production Manager on the popular Eastlink television series “Haunted.” Kim has recently begun investigating paranormal incidents with YouTube host Lomar Mendz. Kim Moser is renowned for her extensive experience in paranormal investigation and research. She has explored some of the most haunted sites in the United States, including the Waverly Hills Sanitorium, Conjuring House, Lizzy Borden House, Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop, the Witch House in Salem, and the St. Augustine Lighthouse, among others. Her approach to paranormal activity is grounded in practicality and a hint of skepticism, ensuring a balanced perspective in her investigations.

1h 31m
Mar 28, 2024
The Gateway Podcast - Tony Rathman - ITC Research & White Noise

The Gateway Podcast welcomes Tony Rathman Date: March 26th, 2024 Episode: 18 Discussion: ITC Research & White Noise About the Guest: Tony Rathman 14 years of paranormal investigation Founder/Lead investigator Entity Voices Paranormal Investigation Has investigated hundreds of location across the country as well as overseas in Japan and the Philippines. EVP/ITC Specialist-Currently developing Staticom. The newest method of Spirit Communication Based on the 40 years of work from Marcello Bacci, the Rathman’s continue to evolve and refine DRV techniques for both longer, clearer and more understandable communication. When the actual radio was removed from the process the Term DRV or direct radio voice was changed to Staticom which now communication with only Broadband white noise. Developer of the silent EVOX and Evox 2.0 spirit box es Tony was a skeptic until his wife asked him to try paranormal investigation. The evidence we captured on the first attempt has lead me down the path of constant paranormal research! Tony founded Entity Voices Paranormal Investigations in 2010 and has investigated hundreds of locations across the U.S. and many around the world.

1h 0m
Mar 27, 2024
Into The Night - The Mississippi Squatchman - Bigfoot

My guest tonight will be The Mississippi Squtchman. He is going to talk about his experiences with Bigfoot. 3-26-2024

Mar 27, 2024
CHASING PROPHECY RADIO SHOW MARCH 26 2024 All Mystery And Sasquatch Enthusiasts!

🚨🎙️ All Mystery and Sasquatch Enthusiasts! 🎙️🚨 Join us on Chasing Prophecy Radio on March 26, 2024, for an extraordinary episode featuring the legendary Brian King-Sharp, a titan among podcasters and a venerable authority in the realm of Sasquatch research. 🌲👣 Who is Brian King-Sharp? 🤔 🎧 Host of multiple hit podcasts such as Sasquatch Odyssey, True Crime Odyssey, That Bigfoot Podcast, and Backwoods Horror Stories. 🌍 Globally ranked in the top 1-3% of content creators worldwide. 👮‍♂️ With a robust background in law enforcement spanning over 16 years, Brian brings a fresh and unique perspective to the enigmatic world of Sasquatch. 📚 Author of the groundbreaking book, "Sasquatch Unleashed: The Truth Behind The Legend". Grab your copy here. 🎤 A sought-after speaker at Sasquatch conferences globally, recognized for his in-depth knowledge and captivating storytelling. 📺 Featured on Vice and Tubi network shows, where he shared his insight and discoveries. 🏞️ An avid field researcher, with firsthand experiences and discoveries in North Carolina and beyond, including a recent expedition to Radium BC, Canada with Todd Standing. Why Tune In? ✨ Dive deep into the mysteries of Sasquatch with Brian's unparalleled insights and tales from the field. From chilling encounters to the latest findings, this episode promises to be a riveting journey into the unknown. 🌲🔍 📅 Mark your calendar! This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to hear from one of the leading voices in Sasquatch research and storytelling. 🔗 Link to the Show: Chasing Prophecy Radio Let's embark on this enthralling adventure together! Make sure to tune in, share this post, and spread the word. The truth behind the legend awaits. 🌲📖👣 #ChasingProphecyRadio #SasquatchOdyssey #BrianKingSharp #Mystery #Sasquatch #Bigfoot #TrueCrimeOdyssey #Podcasts #SasquatchUnleashed

1h 1m
Mar 27, 2024
The Angel Rock With Lorilei Potvin 03 25 2024

Mon. Mar. 25th/24 Join Me tonight, put on some comfy Jammies, grab a great snack & a drink, as we chat together about the strange, the incredibly unexplainable such as Ghosts/Cryptids/Angels/Extraterrestrials/etc. & how You, are the master & creator of Your own destiny. If You have a question, I’d love to share what I’m picking up from Spirit for You! 💝

1h 44m
Mar 27, 2024
THE LIGHT GATE George Simpson UFOs & The Disappearance Of Frederick Valentich

The Light Gate welcomes researcher & author, George Simpson Hosts: Preston Dennett and Dolly Safran Date: March 25, 2024 Episode: 48 Discussion: UFOs & the Mysterious Disappearance of pilot Frederick Valentich. -Tonight, The Light Gate welcomes researcher and author, George Simpson. About:  George was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1958. He has had a life-long interest in the subject of UFOs since seeing one together with his sisters in 1967. He read the book “UFO's, Where do they come from?” by Richard Tambling in 1969 while in primary school. He witnessed the initial part of the final flight of Frederick Valentich on October 21st, 1978 from his family home in Beaumaris. He became a member of VUFORS (The Victorian UFO Research Society) in 1987, just after the Knowles Case was reported in the news.  He later joined the VUFORS committee as a photographic consultant, listed as “Photographic Officer” in 1992, and served on that committee for the following 8 years. He then set up the Victorian branch of AUFORN (The Australian UFO Research Network) in 2000, ran investigations and followed up hundreds of sighting reports over the next 14 years, and ran four public meetings each year for that period, as the Director for the state of Victoria. During this period he also wrote a regular column titled “What Next” which was followed by “Now Then” for the Ufologist Magazine, from 2000 until the magazine closed in February 2018. He participated in the research, assistance, and filming of the first episode of the Science Channel production of “Unexplained Files” in March 2013, which examined the Valentich mystery. His book: “Nothing on Radar: The Valentich Mystery,” is the most comprehensive book on one of Australia’s most enduring and puzzling UFO encounters.   LINKS: https://www.facebook.com/george.simpson.714

1h 52m
Mar 27, 2024
.Horsefly Chronicles Radio With Julia And Philip Siracusa 3 25 24

March 25th 2024 Horsefly Chronicles Radio with Julia Siracusa and Philip Siracusa This is a open panel, if your a psychic medium and you would like to join the panel feel free to message me as long as spots are available 😀 Join us for a 2024 Prediction Show with these amazing and talented people. LaLa Bright, Shawn Kelly and Trish Mo If you would like to be a guest on our show Please Send You're Name and Bio to our email Jpsiracusa2@yahoo.com All Intro's and Banners are done by Gwen Luckett Listening Links: http://www.uprntalkradio.com/ https://www.facebook.com/UPRNTalkRadioNetwork/ https://www.facebook.com/NewsOnTheFlipSide/ https://youtube.com/c/UFOParanormalRadioUFOParanormalRadio https://www.facebook.com/JoeMontaldoUFOUndercover https://m.soundcloud.com/tags/horsefly https://www.podbean.com/site/EpisodeDownload/PB11F8BF6ETK8S https://www.spreaker.com/user/unitedpublicradio/horsefly-chronicles-radio-with-special-g_21 https://www.facebook.com/groups/hcradio/?ref=share_group_link https://www.facebook.com/HorseflyChroniclesRadio123?mibextid=D4KYlr https://www.facebook.com/groups/282498918920706/?ref=share_group_link https://www.facebook.com/horseflychroniclescasefiles?mibextid=D4KYlr Don't forget to get into chat so we can give you a shout out and also answer all of you're Questions 👀👻 You can also watch some of our shows Streaming Live on ROKU. DON'T FORGET TO GRANT STREAMYARD PERMISSION TO SEE YOUR NAME IN CHAT.

1h 2m
Mar 26, 2024
Breaking Norms Building Dreams Ep 12 Empowering Motherhood Pleasure&Self - Worth W Jannine MacKinnon

🌟 Welcome back to "Breaking Norms, Building Dreams"! I'm Brittney Ashley, your host, and I'm thrilled to have you join us for Episode 12, airing on March 25, 2024, at 12:00 pm PST / 3:00 pm EST / 2:00 pm CST. On Monday's show, we're excited to introduce our special guest, Jannine MacKinnon! Jannine is a Confidence and Sexual Empowerment Coach, dedicated to helping women rediscover their spark and find joy in life. With over 7 years of experience supporting moms and entrepreneurs, Jannine understands the challenges of balancing responsibilities while prioritizing self-care. Through her expertise in Sex, Love, and Relationship Coaching, she empowers women to feel confident and embrace their femininity. Join us as Jannine shares insights on empowering motherhood, finding pleasure, and boosting self-worth. She's passionate about helping women feel empowered and fulfilled in their lives. 🔗 Connect with Jannine: @jannine.mackinnon Don't miss out on Monday's episode of "Breaking Norms, Building Dreams" as we dive into empowering conversations with Jannine MacKinnon. Join us live on, 107.7 and 105.3 FM in New Orleans, part of the United Public Radio Network, every Monday at 3 pm EST/2 pm CDT. Remember, embracing your true self and recognizing your value are essential steps towards living your best life. Tune in for an inspiring discussion!

Mar 25, 2024
Negotiating Happiness Ep 40 - Suzanne Soto - Davies Truu By Nature From Publishing To Products

In this episode of "Negotiating Happiness," your host Adriana will be welcoming Suzanne Soto-Davies, Owner + CEO of Truu by Nature. We will be discussing Suzanne’s journey into entrepreneurship from publishing to formulating eco-conscious hair care products. Tune in live on Monday March 25, at 1pm EDT/12pm CDT, or catch the replay on YouTube or Soundcloud. Truu by Nature is a Canadian company, founded by Suzanne Soto-Davies, a Certified Cosmetic Formulator and Trichologist in Training.  Suzanne's mission began with her frustration to repair her damaged hair – even by using others' "natural" hair products. She studied extensively and obtained 2 Diplomas and 3 Certifications and began developing her OBLOOM brand based on the concept that hair products can be effective and eco-friendly by using nature-derived ingredients. Suzanne also studied Holistic Nutrition and is an avid "eco-warrior", raising butterflies and advocating for the protection of bees. It's this nature-loving concept that is reflected through the natural products OBLOOM is based on. Make sure to tune in to "Negotiating Happiness" with Adriana Fierastrau, airing live at 1pm EDT/12pm CDT on 107.7 and 105.3 FM in New Orleans, as part of the United Public Radio Network! 🌟 🎙️GUEST LINKS:🎙️ WEB: https://www.truubynature.ca/ NEWSLETTER & DISCOUNT: https://www.truubynature.ca/newsletter FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/obloom8 YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@obloom  INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/truu_obloom/  🎙️HOST LINKS:🎙️ WEB: www.ontarioassistant.com/ FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ontarioassistant INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/assistant.ontario/ LINKTREE: linktr.ee/OntarioAssistant PLAYLIST: https://tinyurl.com/Soundcloud-NH

1h 0m
Mar 25, 2024
Through A Glass Darkly Radio UFOs Or Demons With Nathaniel Gillis

Welcome to the eighth episode of Through A Glass Darkly Radio with Sean Patrick Hazlett!. Our next guest will be demonologist, Nathaniel Gillis, who will explore his research on whether the UFO phenomenon is demonic. Do not miss this amazing episode. You can find more Nathaniel Gillis interviews here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE9XS-jLGjZbA9KcjsXvFQIu9jmvNh6WD Copyright © 2024 Through a Glass Darkly Radio with Sean Patrick Hazlett. All rights reserve

2h 1m
Mar 25, 2024
Into The Night - Crazy Stories - Entertainment

Tonight im going to do something different. Im going to get those razy magazines and read some of the articles and try to understand them. I would like to hear what you think of them. 3-24-2024

Mar 25, 2024
ATP Media With KAren Swain - Jeff Selver - The Rising

ATP Media -Awakening Consciousness with KAren Swain Welcomes Jeff Selver YTC: https://www.youtube.com/@KarenSwainBlissfulBeings Host: Karen Swain https://karenswain.com Date: March 24th, 2024 Episode: 4 The Rising; the Alien Plan to Build an Enlightened City on Earth. About our Guest: Jeff Selver has a passion for management and leadership with an MBA. Jeff worked in banks, corporate training as a motivational speaker, and teaching mindful leadership. He has been under the tutelage of a Vedic teacher for over twenty years where he learned Vedic philosophy and meditation. When his memories of alien contact came out Jeff began presenting on his contact events in UFO groups, sharing his story in detail, and providing research and corroboration with other experiencers. He currently resides in Vancouver, B.C. with his spouse. Fundamentally, he was shown that what humans understand about spirituality, life after death, dimensions, God, the soul, and psychic powers, are just the beginning of what these beings are all about. And that their capacity, understanding, and utilisation of these is much greater than humans can imagine. See more here:

1h 30m
Mar 25, 2024
News On The Flipside Current Local And World News And Old The Latest Election Poll Information Live

Vladimir Putin 'sends oil tanker to save Cuba' but there's one big problem Joe Biden Now Leads Donald Trump in Presidential Polling Average Judge Jackson's 'chilling' First Amendment comments leave Jonathan Turley 'very concerned' The Red Sea shipping crisis has given an unexpected country's elite commandos a chance to shine OPINION - Americans are armed to the teeth and itching for strife: a second civil war no longer looks an impossibility World on the brink as Taiwan admits US troops are now stationed on Chinese border Russian TV Alarmed by NATO Ally's Ukraine Plans: 'Not Funny Anymore' Lies’: Biden Impeachment Hearing Turns Fiery As Ex-Hunter Biden Business Partner Testifies Insurance Company Places Massive Bet on Trump’s Defamation Appeal Bond Elon Musk accused Jeff Bezos' ex-wife MacKenzie Scott of destroying Western civilization with her philanthropy. Then she quietly doubled her donations. Russia expert issues grim warning on Putin health rumours

3h 4m
Mar 24, 2024
Church Of Mabus Dennis W Carroll Paranormal Investigator & UFO Cryptid Investigative Researcher

Church Of Mabus  Dennis W Carroll  Paranormal Investigator & UFO Cryptid Investigative Researcher

1h 45m
Mar 24, 2024
Spirit Switchboard - Stephanie Malo - Stopping To Smell The Flowers

Spirit Switchboard Welcomes Stephanie Malo Host Kerrilynn Shellhorn Date: March 22nd, 2024 Episode #49 Discussion: Stopping to Smell the Flowers -This week on Spirit Switchboard, host Kerrilynn Shellhorn welcomes special guest, author Stephanie Malo. Do you contemplate your life's purpose? Does achieving inner peace feel as rare as the possibility of finding a pot of gold under the rainbow? Do you find yourself caught in the cycle of "someday I will be/have/achieve" thinking? If any of this resonates with you, come be a part of the discussion with Stephanie Malo, the author of the Stopping to Smell the Flowers book series. She will be sharing tips and tools learned from her life experiences to support and inspire you on your personal and spiritual path! Guest Bio: Stephanie Malo is the author of the Stopping to Smell the Flowers series of books and founder of A Healing and Resource Centre. The short stories found in the Stopping to Smell the Flowers books are like poetry or prayer. Stephanie writes about how when we notice the moments and let our light shine, we can manifest abundance, peace and joy. While the stories are written through the lens of her own life moments, each story is written because it has elements that anyone can relate to, gently reminding us of our purpose, and bringing the reader closer to happiness. She has recently realized that she writes using a similar process to automatic writing, as she follows her intuition to know what is to become story material. Stephanie also runs a meditation centre in her community, and offers Therapeutic Touch which is a modern holistic, evidence-based therapy that incorporates the intentional and compassionate use of universal energy to promote balance and well-being. Her first book Stopping to Smell the Flowers: Extraordinary Observations of Everyday Life and her second Stopping to Smell the Flowers: Everything’s Coming Up Roses are for sale on her website (and other channels such as Indigo and Amazon). Pre-orders are now being purchased for Stephanie’s third book Stopping to Smell the Flowers: The Space In Between, which will be ready for readers by Fall 2024, on her website stoppingtosmelltheflowers.com. Guest Links: Website: http://www.stoppingtosmelltheflowers.com IG: @stoppingtosmelltheflowersbook FB (group): Stopping to Smell the Flowers: A Healing and Resource Centre FB (page): Stopping to Smell the Flowers: Extraordinary Observations of Everyday Life Message from Kerrilynn: I want to hear from you! I want to hear about your ghost stories, paranormal adventures, and high-strangeness occurrences. I would also love your show suggestions to cover in the future. Email me at kerrilynn.shellhorn@gmail.com. If you enjoy the content on the channel, please support Spirit Switchboard by hitting like, subscribe, and share. My deepest gratitude to you all! A formal disclaimer: The opinions and information presented or expressed by guests on Spirit Switchboard are not necessarily those of the Host or the United Public Radio Network and its producers. As always Spirit Switchboard strives to hold space for open, respectful dialogue with show guests and listeners. Host Links: www.kerrilynnshellhorn.com https://www.instagram.com/theoriginalkerrilynnshellhorn/?hl=en https://www.facebook.com/kerrilynn.shellhorn https://www.youtube.com/@kerrilynn-SpiritSwitchboard/streams

1h 48m
Mar 24, 2024
Be Honest - Unlocking Minds Exploring Abnormal Psychology

Be Honest with Dr. Yana and Dr. Sherry Date: March 22nd, 2024 Episode: 17 Discussion: Unlocking Minds: Exploring Abnormal Psychology

1h 30m
Mar 24, 2024