2024 Morgan Super 3: Funky and Fun
FEB 06
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The Morgan Motor Company discontinued its legendary 3-Wheeler a few years back, but it would be hard for Morgan to move on without a three-wheeled machine in its roster. While the Harley-Davidson-based V-twin is gone, the Morgan Super 3 carries Morgan’s three-wheel torch into the next generation. Joining the three-wheel ranks is a similar cylinder count. The ’24 Morgan Super 3 sports a 1.5-liter I3 sourced from Ford. This Ford 1.5-liter sends 118 hp and 111 lb-ft of torque to the lone rear wheel through a five-speed manual transmission.

On this episode of Quick Spin, Autoweek’s Mark Vaughn hops behind the wheel of the Morgan Super 3 to put it through its paces. Vaughn walks you around this three-wheeled Morgan highlights some of his favorite features, and explains how one gets into and starts the Morgan. Later, Vaughn takes you along for a live drive review. Adding to these segments, Vaughn chats with host Wesley Wren about the Morgan Super 3, its competition, and its space in the car world. Closing the show, the pair breaks down what makes the 2024 Morgan Super 3 special.
