Superpowered Mind with Clare Dimond

Clare Dimond


Superpowered Mind Podcast is for enquiring individuals who are tired of the struggle for peace, happiness and clarity. You no longer want to be stuck in the endless cycle of stress, confusion, and seeking happiness in areas where it can’t be found.
You need more than actionable tips and tricks, it’s time for a completely transformational change of perspective about the power of your mind.
You've known for a long time that something is missing and life can feel futile. You are ready to move into a new phase beyond further seeking. This might be initially confronting yet leads ultimately to true freedom. Hosted by Clare Dimond, author of eight books, speaker and international coach, the podcast will explore the principles of the mind, the self and reality. This knowledge can transform the battle of stress and struggle into the ease of intelligence and pure potential in action. This show challenges the most deep-seated confusions of what you are and what the mind is. Each episode looks at profound spiritual truths that bring the mind out of perpetual struggle and into its greatest expansion. Question your current understanding about who you are, feel supported in moving to a greater mental clarity and leave with a whole new way of navigating life. This podcast is the one to listen to if you're ready to see the capabilities of your Superpowered Mind.

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1442 episodes

007 Is My Personality My Fault?

This week, we are looking at the origin of personality and the 'me' that thinks it has a personality. We can define personality as the tendencies, traits and preferences, the ways of being and behaving that are the result of both nature and nurture. They're our genetic inheritance and they are how those genes are activated as a result of the individual experience.  So our personality arises and develops over time, but can it fundamentally change? And is our personality really ‘our fault’? This is what we’re exploring in this episode.  WHAT IS COVERED:  -How our personality is formed into identity -What the bases of introversion and extroversion are -How introverts can become extroverts and vice versa -Why personality tests are not to be taken as definite -Why is ‘is my personality my fault?’ a wrong question to ask -How and why our personality can shift profoundly RESOURCES:  -Download our exclusive recording Free Subliminal: Supporting the Enquiring Mind  -Learn more about me and my work at  -Find me on Facebook  -Let’s connect on LinkedIn  -Follow me on Instagram

Apr 01, 2024
006 How to End Your Addiction

There is an interesting connection between addictions and the individual belief system. All behaviour, including addictions and compulsions, is the product of whatever subconscious conditioning is in operation. There is no separate decider. As this becomes more obvious, harmful, toxic and problematic behaviour that was carried out to secure the ‘separate me’ falls away.  The problem with addictions is that we normally operate from an unquestioned belief that inside every mind, there is an independent chooser that is making independent decisions. In this episode, we’re going to unpack that belief in relation to addictions, and start making a shift towards sanity and the end of unproductive behaviours and habits.    WHAT IS COVERED:  -Understanding the vicious circle of control and shame around our addictions -How the behaviour that we’re trying to change actually happens -Why it’s pivotal to explore the absence of a central decider inside our mind -How experience shifts from identified mind to an open, learning mind -How a radically different approach to addiction can reveal the truth of what you are RESOURCES:  -Download our exclusive recording Free Subliminal: Supporting the Enquiring Mind  -Learn more about me and my work at  -Find me on Facebook  -Let’s connect on LinkedIn  -Follow me on Instagram

Mar 28, 2024
005 Fear and Insecurity

Every day I speak to people who have intense fears. It can be in any area of life: fear of public speaking, of driving, fear for their health, fear of dying, of not having enough money, of being rejected, and all other areas of life.  What they're wanting, and what I wanted so desperately when I was in the midst of my public speaking phobia, was for the fear to just be taken away. But the absolute irony at the heart of fear is that the desperation for it to go away is exactly what's keeping it in place.  So what do we do to break this vicious circle? Let’s find out in this episode.  WHAT IS COVERED:  -The dual core of many mental health problems including fear, anxiety and panic attacks -Why the fear won’t go away from the body and mind and what to do about it -How to understand fear as a gift and start questioning the constructs of the mind -The connection between fear and the projections of our identified mind -How to start shifting your mind away from control and towards curiosity and freedom RESOURCES:  -Download our exclusive recording Free Subliminal: Supporting the Enquiring Mind  -Learn more about me and my work at  -Find me on Facebook  -Let’s connect on LinkedIn  -Follow me on Instagram

Mar 25, 2024
004 How Trauma Influences Your Perception

Trauma is a distressing event that we can't cope with; that the body-mind system in that period of time doesn't have the capacity to assimilate, to recognise what's going on within the body in relation to it, or to talk about or find a way through it.  Often these traumas happen during childhood, because the child is completely dependent on the caregiver for their survival. And if there isn't the support of the caregiver for the child in that moment to deal with the frightening event, that trauma becomes part of the body and of the superpowered child’s mind. So today’s topic is a very big and important one - how past trauma influences our perception of reality, and how, through healing, understanding and integration, our traumas can become superpowers of sanity, compassion and freedom.  WHAT IS COVERED:  -How trauma creates a lens through which we see everything  -Why our experiences can never be reliable -What indicates that the past is projecting onto our present experiences -The importance of support when dealing with past trauma -How to find peace, freedom and authenticity in our past experiences   RESOURCES:  -Download our exclusive recording Free Subliminal: Supporting the Enquiring Mind  -Learn more about me and my work at  -Find me on Facebook  -Let’s connect on LinkedIn  -Follow me on Instagram

Mar 22, 2024
003 The Struggle and Your Unhappiness

Our mind is so powerful that it is literally able to cut itself off from reality. It believes whatever it is conditioned to believe. So all the suffering and unhappiness that we’re experiencing, for many of us comes from a deep fear, deep insecurity, a sense of lack, and the shame at the heart of not living up to expectations, of not comparing well to the people around us, and of having habits, addictions and emotions that we can't control. In this episode, we’re going to explore how we can better understand this struggle, how it draws attention to the incredible power and creativity of our mind, and the freedom of realising these things.  WHAT IS COVERED:  -Why the mind is our greatest asset  -How the misunderstanding of the power of our mind creates suffering and unhappiness -The conditioning of our mind and why the problem and the solution can never come from the same place -How to recognise the conscious and the settled mind -What spirituality is really all about -How to become more curious about our experience of suffering and struggle -How to start gaining mental freedom and align our mind with reality  RESOURCES:  -Download our exclusive recording Free Subliminal: Supporting the Enquiring Mind  -Learn more about me and my work at  -Find me on Facebook  -Let’s connect on LinkedIn  -Follow me on Instagram

Mar 21, 2024
002 What is the Superpowered Mind?

What do  we really mean when we talk about a superpowered mind? A superpowered mind is completely sane, completely in reality, with full access to all the data available right now, as well as all the resources of that individual's experience, including the experience beyond the personal, in the nebulous space of the universal subconscious.   This is all our birthright. The human mind is designed to be like this. So in this episode, we’re going to dive into the superpowered mind and how to start releasing its full potential in three stages.  WHAT IS COVERED:  -Why we’re struggling to access our superpowered mind -The three stages of realising the mind’s full potential -The lost mind and why it’s absorbed in suffering -Personal patterns, recognition of our conditioning and ongoing struggle -Impersonal accountability or the liberation of the superpowered mind -What it means that “there is no doer” and that “the perceive is accountable” RESOURCES:  -Download our exclusive recording Free Subliminal: Supporting the Enquiring Mind  -Learn more about me and my work at  -Find me on Facebook  -Let’s connect on LinkedIn  -Follow me on Instagram

Mar 20, 2024
001 What is the Mind?

Let’s start with the most fundamental aspect of the origin of existence and experience of existence - the nature of the human mind.  So, what is the mind?  A simple question which we might not have ever inquired into, but which unlocks the entire understanding of ourselves and of reality. Everything begins with that question. In this episode, we’re going to dive into what the mind is, the two aspects of it, and how the brilliance of the human mind sometimes becomes our downfall.  What is Covered:  -The two aspects of the mind: the conscious and the unconscious -How the conscious mind works -What the identified mind is  -What the subconscious mind is and how it manifests -Are we really making our decisions and choosing our actions? -How we can better understand the brilliance of the mind RESOURCES:  -Download our exclusive recording Free Subliminal: Supporting the Enquiring Mind  -Learn more about me and my work at  -Find me on Facebook  -Let’s connect on LinkedIn  -Follow me on Instagram

Mar 20, 2024
000 Welcome to the Superpowered Mind Podcast!

Welcome to the inaugural episode of my new show, Superpowered Mind! This weekly podcast is for enquiring individuals who are tired of the struggle for peace, happiness and clarity.  I'm Clare Dimond, a certified coach who has worked with thousands of people around the world and the author of nine books on the mind and its potential. I am also an NLP trainer, BA Psych, MBA, yoga and meditation teacher and master hypnotist. I’m ready to help you explore the principles of the mind, the self and reality to unlock ultimate mental freedom.  Every day I speak with people with exceptional minds, who are highly intelligent, creative, imaginative, and very able to problem-solve and to think analytically. The one thing that these people have in common is some degree of struggle or suffering that shows up in their lives - whether in their relationships, career, finances, health, habits, their community or in their sense of being. With my years of training and experience in helping the mind settle into its innate well-being, intelligence and creativity, I support individuals and groups in a deep exploration of where that struggle is coming from. Because always and without  fail, the struggle and suffering come from an attempt to find peace, freedom and happiness where it cannot possibly be found.  Our minds are brilliant, but the brilliance of the mind and the struggle go hand in hand. It's my absolute privilege to untangle the misunderstandings, the insanities, the beliefs and the confusions, so that the mind is genuinely set free. On this show, we're going to look at all the different elements involved in the confusion and in the liberation of the mind.   If you're ready to experience the capabilities of the Superpowered Mind, keep listening!  Resources:  -Download our exclusive recording Free Subliminal: Supporting the Enquiring Mind  -Learn more about me and my work at  -Find me on Facebook  -Let’s connect on LinkedIn  -Follow me on Instagram   

Mar 20, 2024
Last podcast for a while: lab and field

This is our last but one podcast for a little while. A brand new version is going to be launched on 20 March. There will be a Super-powered mind launch party on-line at 5-8pm GMT with special guests talking about their understanding of the mind. This is free and open to all. You are welcome to bring friends. Register to join the launch party: I would gratefully welcome your support for the launch. To get involved and win some prizes, please join our WhatsApp group. WhatsApp group Thank you for all your support over the last four years. It has been an absolute pleasure to have that connection with you.  Love Clare 

Feb 29, 2024
Doing the work

This is our last but one podcast for a little while. A brand new version is going to be launched on 20 March. There will be a Super-powered mind launch party on-line at 5-8pm GMT with special guests talking about their understanding of the mind. This is free and open to all. You are welcome to bring friends. Register to join the launch party: I would gratefully welcome your support for the launch. To get involved and win some prizes, please join our WhatsApp group. WhatsApp group Thank you for all your support over the last four years. It has been an absolute pleasure to have that connection with you.  Love Clare  Support the show

Feb 28, 2024
Climbing - failure and reality

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Feb 27, 2024
Is anger justified? Listener question

In eastern practices anger is at its heart an energy of clarity. How does this relate - if at all - to our conversation? @⁨Clare⁩ . Is anger justified? I have read that it is the force that moves the world

Feb 25, 2024
Fear and panic: listener question

I recently listened to the Driving Fear post on SAFE Day 11. I too have moments whilst driving where I fear swallowing the wrong way, choking and losing control of the car. It only happens sometimes, maybe when i become aware of myself. This swallowing thing happens at other times too, maybe if out for a meal, or if someone asked me something and it requires a lengthy answer, or in the company of many. My question is how can I best deal with these situations of choking and self obsession? Block it out or push through like i always do and regard myself as lucky it didnt happen? I have swallowed the wrong way many times and its the most awful scary experience. At times when I havent been worried. By pure accident rushing around. All experiences I panic because windpipe is blocked and Im suffocating. Its horrible even recalling it.

Feb 24, 2024
Motivation: listener question

Can you talk about motivation . If there is no other, no reality then why would we do anything? Why are you doing this podcast for example? 

Feb 22, 2024
Disgrace Land. A description from Kerry O'Connor

I sat down with a child one day to ask   how does it feel for him. he had become violent to another Child I said we need to discuss this as this behaviour is not acceptable, I asked him why he became angry and violent he looked at me for a while and said these words to me It feels like Im in Disgrace land as i sat there taking those words in, I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time because I know disgrace Land only too well but Ive never heard anyone say it quite like him so my only thought, as we were both siting  there was this how do we get us both out of this land x

Feb 21, 2024
Amy, Helen and Clare conversation

A conversation with Helen Amery and Amy Johnson about the Enlightenment Event. For information about how to join the Event, click here For information about Dr Amy Johnsons work click here 

Feb 20, 2024
Free will and awakening: listener question

I was listening to a video where a teacher was describing his understanding of "free will". The teacher was sharing that freedom comes from awareness. He went on to say that before awareness, we are programmed to operate from the conditioned mind. We are identified with it and in that state there is no free will. Once we begin to wake up, it appears we can choose not to operate from our conditioned mind or a thought but we can choose differently from presence, awareness.  From what Ive learned, choice is never in the hands of a separate me but rather action that happens that makes sense in the moment to a mind/body system. So is there "free will" (choice) and if so is that just another way to describe a sane mind? Less and less identification with thought, an idea of a separate me?  The truth is that I get confused when teachers talk about you and choice when in our work, we say there is no doer and no choice. How can I sort that out so there is less confusion?

Feb 19, 2024
Choices: listener comment

I would love to hear your thoughts on this ‘choice/no choice paradox’. “It is equally true that we have every choice and that we have no choice. (That is one of those famous Zen paradoxes we must grow into.) Through awareness practice, we come to see that our world continues to be the same not because thats the way the world is but because we continue to make the same choices. Making the same choices is the result of unquestioningly believing the same beliefs and assuming the same assumptions.” ~ Cheri Huber

Feb 18, 2024
What’s the difference between having boundaries and going deeper into discomfort?

I came across your podcast about a year ago and love your take on non-duality and the crucial piece of allowing the experience to be had rather than using a non-dual conversation to bypass it. I have a question regarding the 15th February episode where you talk about going in deeper where there is discomfort or anxiety, and in the case of your friend with the anxiety about driving, to drive as much as possible. Over recent years, I have come to see that there was narcissistic abuse taking place in my family of origin. This discovery, together with exploring where behaviour really comes from, has been both painful and liberating and has shed an entirely new light on my tendency to prioritise pleasing others over my wellbeing. My parents are separated and now my mum is in her 70s and showing signs of dementia. She is even more emotionally fragile than she has always been. In her world, she knows better than everyone and has to teach them or put them in their place, and she will be vitriolic towards anyone who doesn’t see the world as she does. It has always been this way but now it’s like the filters are gone and it’s expressed much more openly. I can see the innocence in it and yet, it doesn’t make any sense to me to engage with her or spend time with her. It doesn’t feel right to make myself available as an emotional dumping ground, and there’s a jolt to the nervous system when she is aggressive towards me, which then impacts on how I function in my own life. So my question is, in a case like this, what’s the difference between having boundaries and going in deeper where there’s discomfort? I don’t think you are saying this but sometimes it feels like you are saying that I should spend as much time as I can hanging out with my mum so that I can feel the discomfort. My whole nervous system screams NO to that, and it seems that limiting or perhaps even ceasing contact would make sense for the health of THIS bodymind. Would you say that this is bypassing? Also I know in reality, no one else is coming to sort out care for her and I will have to have some sort of contact with her as part of this process. Thank you for reading this and I would absolutely love to hear your take on it.

Feb 17, 2024
Watching myself : listener comment

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Feb 15, 2024
Fear and shame : listener comment

I am trying to break down my fears and understand what is behind then. Maybe due to my upbringing and environmental factors an learned behaviour, it seems Ive always compared myself, been too self conscious, low self worth, self critical, etc. But behind it all I think i protect myself from being judged, found out; humiliated. Its all about the presence of others. It is such a strong force that it keeps me from doing stuff for fear of all those very things. I know we are all equal but it doesnt feel like that, or should I say, that is my perception.

Feb 12, 2024
Is there such a thing as a healthy ego?: listener question

Is there such a thing as a healthy ego?: listener question

Feb 09, 2024
Listener response to Protection podcast (2nd Feb)

Thank you so much for the reply to my question in the Podcast "Protection" 2 February.   Its taken me a while to let your words settle and really start to look deeper into the separate "me" that is still lurking!  Initially my body/mind wanted to reject and ignore what you were saying - there was quite a visceral response in my body - punch to the stomach, anger and annoyance.  So slowly and with a few days in between, I have listened to the episode a few times now over the last week and each time I am to see a little more.  One part that I have found helpful, is where you said something along the lines of "the whole protection campaign continually maintains the inner psychological belief system" and "how the actual act of avoidance - eg. not going to the social occasion/party, etc in order to protect that self, is providing more evidence that I shouldnt go.  Which in turn reconfirms the belief system, embedding it further."  No wonder we feel like we are in a never ending loop! So even with fear and anxiety about what might never happen - I now move forward to do the challenging things!  

Feb 08, 2024