Mastin Kipp is the founder of – a website, daily email and twitter account that serves soulful inspiration to a new generation. What began as a simple sharing of quotes being sent to friends, transformed into The Daily Love after a tweet from Kim Kardashian. And a love monster was born.
Today, we have a conversation with the amazing, Mastin Kipp! Motivational leaders like Oprah, Tony Robbins, Marianne Williamson, Arianna Huffington and many others consider this millennial a voice of profound transformation for our times.
Mastin’s mission is to connect people back to what makes them happy. Happy people make better choices, and better choices make for a better planet. His book Daily Love: Growing into Grace is a national bestseller. Visit the Off the Grid Into the Heart CD by Sister Jenna. Like America Meditating on FB & follow us on Twitter. Visit our website at Download our free Pause for Peace App for Apple or Android