The Warden
OCT 29, 2023
Description Community

In this bone-chilling episode of the "Anthology of Horror" podcast, we delved into a tale by the talented author Woundlicker. This eerie narrative unfolded in the depths of Hell, where a prison like no other is managed by a formidable warden.

As we explored this nightmarish realm, we were thrust into a world of torment, suffering, and the macabre. Woundlicker's storytelling prowess painted a vivid and harrowing picture of a prison in Hell and the enigmatic warden who presides over it.

To bring this episode to a close, we were treated to the haunting sounds of "Hands on the Bible" by Local H, a song that resonated with the dark and intense themes of the story.

Thank you for joining us in this eerie exploration, and may your nights be filled with the echoes of our tales. Stay tuned for more chilling narratives in the "Anthology of Horror."

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