2023-02-02 | Class 1 | Precepts | Joel Barna
MAR 15
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2023-02-02 | Class 1 | Precepts | Joel Barna

00:00:29 - Joel Gives Words of Gratitude, and Welcomes Everyone
00:02:34 - Please Pause Video Here if You'd Like to to Sit for 3 Minutes
00:02:48 - Joel Invites the Participants to Introduce Themselves
00:15:23 - Joel Offers an Overview Of the Class, Outlining the Offerings
00:17:48 - Ann Talks About The Verse of the Robe and Sewing - How Buddha's Robe Relates to the Precepts
00:33:46 - Joel Talks About The Buddhist Precepts - What Taking the Precepts Requires/Means
00:52:16 - Joel Talks About the Learning Record
01:01:27 - Participants Go Into Breakout Rooms
01:01:48 - Closing Comments/Questions

Book Mentioned During the Class:
Waking Up to What You Do: A ZEN Practice for Meeting Every Situation - A Zen Practice for Meeting Every Situation with Intelligence and Compassion

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